Thunder (S2-E1)Sample

Thunder (S2-E1)

DAY 2 OF 4

Following Jesus Will Cost You Something

The Chosen looks away nicely. It is nice to see Jesus on the road with His disciples. They experience all kinds of wonderful things, and of course, we would like to see the miracles all happen right in front of our noses.

But being on the road with Jesus costs something. In this episode, you'll see that when one of the disciples joins Jesus. What would you give up to follow Jesus?

In Mark 10 we meet a rich young man. He is religious and follows the prevailing rules well. In this day and age, you might say, truly an exemplary Christian. He asks Jesus what he must do to receive Eternal Life (verse 17).

Jesus first briefly discusses keeping the Law, and the young man affirms that he already does all that. Then it says, very briefly, but so beautifully, "Jesus looked at him and loved him.”

Then He invites him to follow Him. To become a disciple.

And at that moment the man turns and leaves sad and dejected. He was so close, it could be so beautiful, and yet he walks away.

What strikes me is that there is apparently a difference between "following exactly the right rules," and "following Jesus”. The two are not the same thing, and it seems that following the rules is a lot easier than following Jesus.

Mark also tells us why this was so in the young man's case, namely, "he had many possessions”. Before you know it, the things you have get in the way of following Jesus.

Following Jesus comes at a cost.

In the remainder of Mark 10, Jesus mentions some things you might have to give up if you decide to follow Jesus. Jesus talks about brothers or sisters, father or mother or wife or children, house or field. Jesus talks about relationships, possessions, and if you go through the various Gospels about it you will find many more. The cost is real, and it is good to realize that.

Jesus closes with a huge promise in verse 30. There is a reward, there is a "wage”. Jesus talks about 100-fold results, a return for which any businessman (or woman) would go. Right?

And Jesus answers the question with which the rich young man began - yes, Eternal Life is also for those who follow Jesus.

And so this story stops a little "open," and we may ask ourselves the question, "What may following Jesus cost me?"

Take the following questions to think about:

  • Do you recognize yourself more as the religious young man, or a follower of Jesus?
  • What is the difference between the two?
  • Is there anything standing in the way for you to follow Jesus?
  • What would be your response to Jesus' invitation in verse 21?

Prayer: "Lord Jesus, thank You for Your honest answer to this young man's question. You saw his sincerity, his hard work, You looked at him lovingly.

Jesus, You also invite me to follow You. Lord, would You show me when there are things that get in the way of that? And would You help me to follow You every day? I want to be Your disciple. Amen."


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