Thunder (S2-E1)Sample

Thunder (S2-E1)

DAY 1 OF 4

In the Beginning

Once upon a time...

Many stories begin this way, followed by the introduction of the main character. Somehow the start of the Bible is reminiscent of this: "In the beginning …" and then "God …"

As if the most widely read Book in the world wants to leave no ambiguity about it: This is God's Story. And God wants to share it with you.

Once upon a time - God.

Do you know Him?

"In the beginning" also indicates a point in time. When everything began, God was there. He exists, and He existed. He is beyond our designation of time. He is greater. He is present. He is. And so God also calls Himself, "I Am."

Before your story started, God's Story had long begun. You are part of His Story. In English, that sounds so beautiful: history - "His-Story."

What God makes - Light

As we dwell on God, we immediately see one of His attributes. God creates. He is a Creating God. Where there was nothing, He caused things to come into being. Where He speaks, Light comes.

Where God is comes Light, for He is the Light. Where He appears, darkness must give way. John is very clear about this. The Light dispels the darkness.

What God makes - Life

Another element we see with God is Life. Where God appears, where He speaks, Life arises. You see that in the Creation Story. From darkness comes Light, and from the wasteland comes water and earth, greenery, flowers, and, of course, animals and people.

God gives Life.

God speaks Life.

John talks about "the Word" as a Person. If you read further into John 1, you will discover that John is writing about Jesus.

Jesus is God.

Jesus is the Light.

Jesus is Life.

God shows Himself in many ways. Just look around you in nature and take in the starry night sky. Or look at the wonderful world of art and see something of God's Creativity. It is beautiful.

In a special way, God shows Himself in His Word. You may think of Jesus - He is the Living Word - but you may certainly also think of the Bible - God's Word. How God shows Himself in it is breathtaking, ever new, and it gives direction to our lives.

Take the following questions to think about:

  • How do you know God?
  • Where do you see something of God?
  • God creates. Where do you see that reflected in your own life?
  • How can you get to know this God of light and life better today?

Prayer: "God, You are immeasurably Great. You were always there, and You will always be there. You spoke and things came into being, and what You create is wonderfully beautiful.

Lord Jesus, would You show me more of Yourself again today? I would like to know You better and have my life directed by You. Amen."

Day 2