Stories of HopeSample

Stories of Hope

DAY 7 OF 7

Your Love for Me

Have you ever wondered why someone would be willing to risk or give up his own life for another? Maybe it’s easier to understand being willing to die for your own children or close family and friends, but for perfect strangers? Or harder yet, would you be willing to die for your enemies? 

When the Bible talks about Jesus’ death on the cross, it says that He died for the entire world. God was demonstrating His great love for all of humankind even while we were at our very worst. In fact, we were all enemies of God at one time, choosing darkness over light. Yet, we read that Jesus willingly laid down His life for us all. Why would someone do that for people who hated and despised Him? What motivated Him? The answer is love.   

Within all of us is a desire to be deeply loved, seen, and known. We have all had experiences when we were the last to find out about something, or we were chosen last for a team or group. We have felt the rejection that comes with that. It was the same as not being chosen at all. It leaves us feeling unwanted, unseen. But what Jesus did when He died for us all on the cross was the complete opposite of that! His actions said, “I love you. I see you. I choose you, and I offer hope.” His great love for us compelled Him to lay down His life in our place, so that we might live and come back into a relationship with God.   

You see, our sin leaves us in debt with a high payment—death and separation from God. But Jesus, who was totally without sin, sacrificed everything and paid the ultimate price for our debt with His very life. It wasn’t a pretty or easy death either. Crucifixion was a torturous death, full of agony and pain. It was also a shameful death, reserved for criminals and the greatest offenders. Yet, Jesus endured it all because of His unconditional love for us all. He took upon Himself our brokenness, misery, and shame so that we could be free from the chains of darkness. His resurrection from the dead defeated the power of sin and death! Now, He offers us life, hope, forgiveness, and a love that we can never humanly comprehend. He bought our liberty and offers us freedom, if we just receive His gift. 

Maybe you struggle with insecurity and have never felt unconditionally loved here on the earth. Or maybe you struggle with guilt and shame for things you have done in your past and feel that you are too far-gone for God to ever love you. That couldn’t be further from the truth! God’s love is for everyone, and it knows no boundaries—it has no limits!  As we look at Romans 8:31—39, we read that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love, which is available through Jesus. Neither death nor life, not angels or demons, no powers, not even things we fear today or worry about in the future can ever stand in the way of God’s great love for us. Nothing in all of creation, including our own messed-up selves, can separate us from the love God has for us and that He offers us through Christ Jesus. Wow! Let that soak into your soul as a healing balm today.   

Jesus chose you. He gave his life for you and wants to know you deeply and have a relationship with you today. He offers hope for the past, present, and future. He alone can give us forgiveness for every wrong thing we have ever or will ever do, think, or say. Maybe you already are a believer but have wandered away from Him, and are wrestling with self-condemnation and guilt. Today is the day to come back to Him, as you can never outrun His love or leave the borders of His grace. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. So choose to live in Him and make your home in His love and grace. He is our Hope.   

Prayer:  If you have never received the gift of salvation that Jesus freely offers you, take time right now to invite Him into your life. Confess Him as your Savior and Lord and begin to walk in His love today. If you are already a believer, take time to sit in Jesus’ presence and thank Him for dying in your place, for loving you unconditionally, and for all of His many blessings in your life. Pour out your heart in praise to Him. Give Him all of your burdens and struggles, and let Him fill you with His perfect peace and hope. 

Listen to the song as you think about this story.

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Day 6

About this Plan

Stories of Hope

Stories of Hope through music is a multimedia venture, created by Eric and Anissa Haney, through which we encounter hope in Jesus through inspiring New Testament stories brought to life through musical arrangements for jazz orchestra. Hear the music and read the devotional and stories in scripture through this 7-day reading plan.
