Stories of HopeSample

Stories of Hope

DAY 1 OF 7

Let Me In 

Do you ever find yourself longing for something more? Wondering if there is more to this life than what you are experiencing? Do you hope for something deeper or more meaningful?  

You are not alone. Scripture says that God has placed eternity in the human heart. All of humanity is longing for this deeper connection and seeking to satisfy the empty craving of their hearts. You see, God created us all with this longing within us so that it would bring us to Him, the only one who can satisfy our thirsty souls.  

God is the only one who has been there with us from the beginning. This Psalm describes to us how He was present from the very moment of conception as He knit you together in your mother’s womb. He formed something so wonderful, beautiful, and complex as He created you. He saw your unformed body before it ever came to be, and He took such delight in seeing you! He had a plan and purpose in creating you and ordained all the days of your life before even one day came to be. Wow! Take a moment to soak in the love, care, and attention to detail that you were designed with. Just think about how the Creator of the universe purposely formed you and thinks about you!  

But He doesn’t just stop at creating you. He actually wants to know you and have a personal relationship with you. In Revelation 3:20, Jesus says that He stands at the door of your heart and knocks. He doesn’t force Himself into your life. He knocks and waits patiently. And if you dare to open the door of your heart and invite Him in, He will enter. He says that He will share a meal together with you as friends. This describes the personal relationship and closeness He desires to have with you.  

You see Jesus has been with you from the beginning. He carefully weaved you together and prepared all the days of your life. And He has been standing at your heart’s door, knocking, waiting for you to let Him in. He loves you so much and paid the ultimate price for you and me when He died on the cross and took our sins upon Himself. He offers himself to you today. He wants to fill your life with purpose and meaning as you get to know Him and journey with Him! Maybe the longing for more and the unquenchable thirst you have experienced throughout your lifetime is actually the feeling and sound of Jesus’ knocking on the door of your heart.  

Maybe you have been a Christian for a while, but you have grown tired, hopeless, or even lukewarm. Each day we have a new opportunity to make the daily choice to let Jesus in and to do life together. Take time right now to open up your heart’s door and let Him fill you with life as you experience His presence and nearness. Maybe you have never invited Jesus into your life before or are wrestling with the idea of God’s existence. Will you take the first step of opening your heart to Him today? Ask Him to reveal Himself to you. This week, as we dive into these Stories of Hope, may you encounter Jesus in a very real and personal way and discover that He is our hope! 

PRAYER: God thank you for lovingly creating me and designing me with purpose. I open the door of my heart to you and invite you in. I long to know you more and be near to you.  

Listen to the song as you think about this story.

Day 2

About this Plan

Stories of Hope

Stories of Hope through music is a multimedia venture, created by Eric and Anissa Haney, through which we encounter hope in Jesus through inspiring New Testament stories brought to life through musical arrangements for jazz orchestra. Hear the music and read the devotional and stories in scripture through this 7-day reading plan.
