Stories of HopeSample

Stories of Hope

DAY 6 OF 7

This Changes Everything

Many of  you have heard of “The Green Mile” before, and some of you may have even seen the movie. The Green Mile refers to the stretch of green floor leading from prison cells to the prison’s death chamber. In today’s Scripture we find ourselves in the midst of a story where the adulterous woman is made to walk her own green mile. Think about her fear, shame, and pain, as the religious leaders of her day caught her in the act of adultery. Then, they led her away to be stoned to death.  She had done something that warranted death in that culture—a culture where only the woman paid for that specific “crime” committed.   

It is hard to know exactly what was going through her mind as she walked that path to be stoned. But if we use our imagination, we can have a somewhat clearer picture.  Actually, do that right now.   Close your eyes and try to put yourself in her shoes.  Try to imagine what she felt.  How would you feel being led away to your death?  That is the picture that sets the stage for her encounter with Jesus.   

The religious leaders brought her before Jesus and threw their accusations at her. They stated that she deserved the death penalty.  So there she stood, as time seemed to stand still.  She would hang on every word Jesus said, but there were no audible words. Jesus simply stooped down and wrote in the sand!  History does not tell us what He wrote in the sand that day.  Maybe He didn’t write anything but simply scribbled as He thought.  She stood there waiting as He wrote.  What may have taken 30 seconds could have seemed to her like an eternity.  Her life laid in the balance, and Jesus had a say in her fate!   

Eventually, Jesus stood up and spoke the words that have become so well known.  Even those who don’t know Jesus sometimes use them as a catchphrase. He said, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her” (John 8:7 NIV).  Then, one by one, her accusers began to walk away.   

Imagine the hope that flooded her heart when the first person dropped their stone and walked away.   

Then she stood there, alone with Jesus.  What would He say?  How would He respond?  He stood up and asked her a life-changing question, “Where are they [your accusers]? Has no one condemned you?” (John 8:10). These questions were followed by a statement that would define and change her life forever.  Jesus says, “Then neither do I condemn you. Go now and leave your life of sin” (John 8:11).   

This changed everything for her! 

Maybe you can relate to this woman at different times of your life.  Many things in our lives can be represented in those stones that were held that day—stones meant to break and kill. What do those stones look like in your life?  Just remember that each of those stones fell to the ground at the feet of Jesus.   

A short time after this story, Jesus would literally walk a Green Mile to Golgotha, where He would be executed.  However, this time there was no turning back.  Instead of the stones hitting the ground, He took the stones of the sins and shame of the entire world upon Himself, as He hung there on the cross.  He took our place. He gave His life to set us free and save us from our sins.  

This changes everything for us!  

We may never know what Jesus wrote in the sand that day.  Maybe it was the same thing He wrote in history when He died on the cross...forgiven.   

Prayer: What is it that you need to be forgiven of today?  Or what stones have you been holding onto that you need to release at the feet of Jesus? Confess it to God in this moment and take in the forgiveness and hope that He offers. 

Listen to the song and watch this video as you think about this story.

Day 5Day 7

About this Plan

Stories of Hope

Stories of Hope through music is a multimedia venture, created by Eric and Anissa Haney, through which we encounter hope in Jesus through inspiring New Testament stories brought to life through musical arrangements for jazz orchestra. Hear the music and read the devotional and stories in scripture through this 7-day reading plan.
