
Journey To The Manger

70日中 30日

 God’s Redemptive Plan

When Jesus came to earth, His own people didn’t recognize Him. Even though the Jews had been blessed with the testimony of their prophets and a long history of God’s continuous faithfulness, they still didn’t recognize the long-awaited Messiah. They maintained that He would come to save them from their political oppressors, destroying the pagan worship and bondage of Roman rule. He would usher in the kingdom of God. In their minds, that meant reestablishing the twelve tribes of Israel to prominence and power.

But Jesus didn’t come to set the record straight by doing away with the despised pagan Gentiles. He came to usher in a kingdom not of this earth—and to bring God’s truth and presence to a broken world.

How different are we from those who missed their King’s coming when pride blinds us to the truth of God’s redemptive plan? May we be like the few whose spiritual eyes were open to see the true coming of His kingdom.

Activity: Jesus taught us to pray for the kingdom to come. Ask a stranger if you can pray for them about their specific needs.

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Journey To The Manger

2000年前の静かな夜のこと、天の御使(みつかい)たちは羊の群れの番をする羊飼いたちに救い主が誕生したという知らせを告げました。知らせを聞いた羊飼いたちは、飼い葉桶の中にいる乳飲み子を捜すために、すべてをおいてベツレヘムへ向かいました。長い年月を経て今なお、この招きは変わることがありません。このクリスマスの季節、チャールズ・スタンレー博士(Dr. Charles Stanley)の読書プランを通して、救い主に近づき、天の父の愛に包まれる安息の時間を持ちませんか。


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