
Journey To The Manger

70日中 33日

God Sees More

Many of us might assume that if Jesus came to earth today, He’d choose a clean-cut, educated, well-off family to grow up with—and announce the glorious news of His birth to a select group of prominent pastors. Yet the reality of the Christmas story shows the difference between God’s vision and our worldly standards. Today, Jesus might have been born to a hardworking mechanic in a low-income neighborhood and his waitress fiancée. And perhaps the angels would have appeared to a group of ex-convicts in a labor pool, working late to finish a job digging ditches.

We often forget how far Mary and Joseph were from any kind of social prominence and how the shepherds were viewed as unclean and untrustworthy by Jewish standards. Each person who crowded around Jesus’ manger that incomparable night had experienced rejection and isolation. Yet these were the special people God chose to experience one of the holiest events of all time. He saw their hearts and their true worth—even when no one else did.

Activity: Gather some friends and serve a meal at a local homeless shelter.

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Journey To The Manger

2000年前の静かな夜のこと、天の御使(みつかい)たちは羊の群れの番をする羊飼いたちに救い主が誕生したという知らせを告げました。知らせを聞いた羊飼いたちは、飼い葉桶の中にいる乳飲み子を捜すために、すべてをおいてベツレヘムへ向かいました。長い年月を経て今なお、この招きは変わることがありません。このクリスマスの季節、チャールズ・スタンレー博士(Dr. Charles Stanley)の読書プランを通して、救い主に近づき、天の父の愛に包まれる安息の時間を持ちませんか。


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