10 Days of Encountering Jesus Everywhereサンプル

10 Days of Encountering Jesus Everywhere

10日中 2日

Day 2: Main Character Energy

Don’t we all want to see ourselves through romanticized, rose-colored glasses? A TikTok trend to the tune of “it’s giving main character energy” perfectly sums up how we like to think of ourselves: as the main character. Despite what our culture wants us to believe, the truth is that we are not the main characters; God is! He brought us into existence and holds us together. “I am the Vine, you are the branches,” Jesus says in John 15. “Separated [from me], you can’t produce a thing… But if you make yourselves at home with me and my words are at home in you, you can be sure that whatever you ask will be listened to and acted upon” (verses 5-8). For our lives to make sense, we must understand that it is God—not us—who has earned the leading role.

How many times have we seen someone in the limelight crumble under pressure? How many times have we put someone on a pedestal, only to feel betrayed when we see them for who they really are? We so often crave glory, but we weren’t made to take it for ourselves.

Instead, we were made to shine light on the only One who is.

In telling stories about my life, my desire is to share the lessons I’ve learned about God through my relationships and circumstances. By sharing the mistakes and wins I’ve experienced, I hope I can encourage you to notice how God is working as the main character in your own life. I’m only a sinner who desperately needs saving, and so are you—but we both share the amazing blessing of playing supporting roles in God’s incredible story.


What does it look like to make God the main character of your life? In what ways are you playing a supportive role in His incredible story? How can you actively choose—or continue to choose—to serve God by pointing others toward Him?

Pray With Me

Father, please open my eyes to the people around me whom I can serve and point toward You. Please give me the humility to die to myself so I can live instead for You.

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10 Days of Encountering Jesus Everywhere

No matter your season of life or faith, these uplifting devotionals will help rejuvenate your walk with Christ. If you’ve ever been lukewarm in your faith, lived absentminded of His presence, or failed to take full advantage of the time given to you, this is for you. Read, reflect, and pray with author Kariss Farris and experience Jesus, everywhere.
