10 Days of Encountering Jesus Everywhereサンプル

10 Days of Encountering Jesus Everywhere

10日中 10日

Day 10: A Place For You

A few days ago, while walking into—you’ll never guess—Chick-fil-A, I walked past a rugged young man. He wasn’t asking for anything, so we smiled at each other, and I kept my eye on the prize. But while in line for my golden fries, I couldn’t stop thinking about him. What was his story? Was he homeless? Why was he standing there, not asking for anything? I shook off my questions and ordered.

On my way out, we exchanged smiles again, and I began a race-walk to my car. (Those hot fries were screaming my name.) But halfway there, I felt a still small voice stopping me in the middle of the street. “You say you want Me to use you, but you’re choosing hot fries over loving one of Mine?”

“But Lord! My hot fries!” I argued.

“But that’s one of my sons,” I heard.

Begrudgingly, I turned around, trying not to think about my fries, which were getting colder by the second.

“Are you hungry?” I asked the man.

“Yes, ma’am,” he replied.

“All right, then,” I said. “Let’s get you fed.”

Once we were inside the restaurant, I asked him to tell me about himself. The line was long, so we had a few minutes together for me to learn that he was living in a shelter. His father lived nearby, and he wanted his son to come home.

I wasn’t pulling punches at this point, so I asked, lovingly, “Why in the world are you living at a shelter if your dad wants you to come home?”

He shrugged. “I guess I just want to be independent.”

I laughed a little bit. “How’s that working out for you?”

He laughed too. “I guess not too good, huh?”

Before I could even think, my mouth flew open and said, “Boy, if you don’t go home!” He had a dad who loved him and had offered him a place. However, this man’s desire to do things his own way kept him from warmth, safety, and shelter.

We are all unsuccessfully independent without our heavenly Father. He calls to us saying, “Come home! I have a place for you.” But many of us call back, “I’d rather be free and independent!” What we often miss is that when it comes to our hearts, independence doesn’t equal victory!

After purchasing his meal, I put a hand on his shoulder. “God loves you. He wants you home just like your dad does, and today He wanted to make sure you had a meal.”

When I got back to my car, I ate the best cold fries I’ve ever had.


As Christians, we may know that the best place is in God’s house, but like the prodigal son, we may still fall into the trap of feeling like we’d have more fun on our own. What biblical truths counter the temptations that make your heart prone to straying? How can you find the satisfaction you’re looking for within your Father’s loving arms?

Pray With Me

Lord, I may be tempted to consider what life would look like on my own, and I may even have fallen into the trap of pursuing this false freedom. I know what I could gain through my own strength would never come close to the rich inheritance I already have in You. I want to repent of my shortsightedness and let my wandering heart find its home in You. Thank You for always welcoming me home with open arms, no matter how long I’ve been away.

We hope this plan was helpful to you. You can read more from Kariss Farris in her book, Jesus Everywhere, available here.



10 Days of Encountering Jesus Everywhere

No matter your season of life or faith, these uplifting devotionals will help rejuvenate your walk with Christ. If you’ve ever been lukewarm in your faith, lived absentminded of His presence, or failed to take full advantage of the time given to you, this is for you. Read, reflect, and pray with author Kariss Farris and experience Jesus, everywhere.
