10 Days of Encountering Jesus Everywhereサンプル

10 Days of Encountering Jesus Everywhere

10日中 6日

Day 6: Bridegroom

A while ago, my husband Josh and I were on a date night when I asked him if he would change anything about me. I’m not going to lie; the question was a trap. Face, meet palm. As I waited for him to say something about my appearance or point out a character flaw, I was poised to pounce. Yet he surprised me and said, “I would want you to know how much I love you.”

Josh knows I’m a sucker for a romantic comedy, so at first I thought he was just trying to play into my fantasy world of perfect answers! But as I let the answer soak in, I realized that when I gave him the opportunity to perform a deep dive on my flaws, he wanted to instead increase my understanding of his love for me.

God’s love for us is the same. It takes precedence over our shortcomings. Although He teaches us and holds us accountable for our actions, He makes known His unending love for us as His bride above all else. He is a God who judges, but He is also a God of love. If your sight becomes obstructed by your imperfections, know that God’s deepest desire for you is to know Him and be loved by Him. He’s the ultimate bridegroom.


What keeps you from acknowledging and accepting the love God has for you? Today, write down a Bible verse that reminds you of God’s deep, never-ending affection for you. Put it somewhere you’ll see it often, and remember it throughout the day.

Pray With Me

Dear God, thank You for Your unwavering and unconditional love. Even when my love falters and my attention is drawn away from You, You remain faithful in Your promises to me. Please help me to accept and cherish Your perfect love for my imperfect soul. Let this love inspire worship within me, and lead me to opportunities to love those around me in the same way.

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10 Days of Encountering Jesus Everywhere

No matter your season of life or faith, these uplifting devotionals will help rejuvenate your walk with Christ. If you’ve ever been lukewarm in your faith, lived absentminded of His presence, or failed to take full advantage of the time given to you, this is for you. Read, reflect, and pray with author Kariss Farris and experience Jesus, everywhere.
