5-Day Purity Mindset Reading Planサンプル

5-Day Purity Mindset Reading Plan

5日中 5日

Psalm 51: 12 (NIV) “Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.” 

Behind Psalm 51 is David’s story of an incredible second chance. King David is someone God praises as a man after His own heart (Acts 13:22). Yet David ends up committing an affair with Bathsheba and ultimately murdering her husband Uriah. It’s a classic account of a good boy gone bad. 

I think we’ve all had our own bad girl experiences, and the truth is––despite our best efforts––we’ll all slip in our Christian walk at some point. David’s testimony is proof that even the best of us fall and can be restored to God––no matter how bad we’ve blundered. 

Broken over his tragic lapse of judgment, David pens this poetic prayer for pardon. He begins with appealing to God’s mercy and compassion for spiritual cleansing from his sin. Then, David pleads with God saying: “Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me” (Psalm 51: 11). 

Before Jesus’s work on the cross, God’s people were not able to permanently experience the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. During the Old Testament, the Spirit’s indwelling was a temporary, empowering experience for God’s chosen servants (Numbers 27:18, 1 Samuel 16:12-13, 1 Samuel 10:10). 

New Testament believers, like you and me, can’t lose the Holy Spirit, but this verse does shed light on the relationship between our personal sin and fellowship with God. Because God delights in right living, sin disrupts our relationship with Him and impairs our ability to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading (Galatians 5:16-24). 

The guilt and shame of sin will always tempt you to run away from God. Instead of allowing it to create a wedge between you, run to God so that He can close the distance with the cross of Christ. Because of Jesus, we no longer have to fear condemnation (Romans 8:1). His sacrifice is the all-sufficient price for our sin past, present, and future (Ephesians 1:3–14). 

Is the guilt of sexual sin making you feel hopeless and cut-off from God? I've got good news: 

God hasn't given up on you.

Forgiveness is available.

And the chains of sexual sin can be broken. 

If along your journey to finding wholeness in Christ you give into sexual sin, it doesn’t mean you’re a hypocrite. It doesn’t mean that all hope is lost. It just means that it’s time to start over. 


Go back to the beginning. 

...But keep going! 

David messed up BIG TIME, girl. He even had a guy killed, but even sweet little ole’ David experienced the agony of feeling cut-off from God because of his sin. In verse 51, David cries out to God: “Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit.” 

When you fall, run to God. Seek His forgiveness.
Pray, “God, restore to me the joy that comes with being in close fellowship with You and give me a willing spirit to live for You.” 

Remember, Sis. Embracing the purity mindset isn’t about having an all-or-nothing mentality toward sexual sin. It’s about being motivated by God’s love to seek His perfecting presence, despite your imperfections. 

So if you fall, don’t be afraid to go back to the beginning.
Admit when you feel tempted to give into sexual temptation, and confess your sin. Make your relationship with God your first priority.
Operate in the Spirit.

Prayer: God, at times I feel I’ve failed too much to be forgiven, but Your word says that You’re faithful to forgive me when I confess my sin to You. Supply the faith and strength I need to believe that. Help me persevere and run to You––not from You––when I fall short. God, I thank You that I can always go back to the beginning with You, making imperfect progress––but continuously moving forward. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

My Moment: How will the freedom of knowing you can make imperfect progress in your journey shape the road ahead? What can you do to practically remind yourself of this truth when you feel tempted to give up? 




5-Day Purity Mindset Reading Plan

Has the guilt and shame of sexual sin been making you feel cut off from God? Start experiencing freedom with this proven framework for establishing a purity mindset. Overcome the mental block of "feeling unforgiven." Apply God's abundant grace to your personal journey. See yourself through the lens of who you are in Christ. And discover a vision behind your purity that will help you sustain your new lifestyle! 
