5-Day Purity Mindset Reading Planサンプル

5-Day Purity Mindset Reading Plan

5日中 3日

Genesis 39: 21 (NIV) “The Lord was with him; he showed him kindness and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison warden.” 

When Philadelphia Eagles’ star quarterback Carson Wentz tore his ACL in a pre-playoffs game against the Rams, my husband and I were devastated. I’ve never been a huge football girl, but in a short time the charismatic, talented and outspoken Christian managed to draw me into the game. Many fans are questioning our team’s playoff prospects in light of Wentz’s absence. 

Wentz’s presence was a major success factor for the Eagles’ 2017 season because his talent elevates those surrounding him. 

“Okay, Nia. What’s some random football player got to do with me, God, and purity?” Keep reading, Sis. I’m about to tie it all together. 

In today’s passage, we see that God’s presence was the source of Joseph’s favor and success. Because of his tight-knit fellowship with God, everything that Joseph did succeeded (Genesis 39:2-3). 

Since Joseph treasured God’s presence, God lavished Joseph with His favor and riches. 

The first step to embracing the purity mindset is to view your actions and decisions through the lens of proximity to God. Instead of filtering your decisions through a long list of “don’ts,” why not ask yourself “Is ____ going to please God?” 

If “yes,” go for it. If “no,” hang back and come up with an alternative. 

Joseph models this perfectly despite Potiphar’s wife’s persistent attempts at seducing him. When she looked at him with bedroom eyes saying, “Lie with me.” Joseph reminds her that she is his master’s wife and ends by saying: “How then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?” 

Wow. How much disaster could’ve been diverted in my own life had I asked myself that question! Joseph loved God’s presence in His life more than the temporary pleasures that come with sin. 

Even after Joseph is falsely accused and sentenced to prison, “the Lord was with him; he showed him kindness and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison warden.” 

Joseph experienced many detours along his way to royalty (where God ultimately positions him). However, he was able to prosper through every roadblock and pit stop, because of his intimate relationship with God. 

Sometimes it’s easy to believe that “if I only had ____, then life would be great and purposeful.” What is your ____? 

Is it a lover?
Is it applause and validation from others? Is it money or accomplishments? 

God wants to be your everything so that your every need and desire can be completely met in Him (Psalm 37:2). Jesus tells us to seek first the kingdom of God and then He’ll add to us whatever’s missing (Matthew 6:33). 

I know it’s hard to believe that. I spent so many years chasing the blessings and favor and instead of drawing near to God, doing things completely backward. When I finally understood that wholeness is found in Christ, I trusted that God would fulfill me as I sought His presence daily (Psalm 16:11). 

Sis, God intimately knows the needs and desires of your heart. He’s not going to forget to place the right people or opportunities in your life. So seek His presence and filter your actions and decisions through the lens of proximity to Christ. 

Prayer: God, sometimes it’s hard to believe You’re my everything. Please help me experience wholeness in Christ, apart from the worldly alternatives and distractions I face on a daily basis. Help me place You first in my life and experience the joy of knowing You intimately. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

My Moment: What is that thing competing with your affections for God? What’s holding you back from ditching it? Be sure to lift your response up in prayer, asking God to empower you to overcome this setback. 

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5-Day Purity Mindset Reading Plan

Has the guilt and shame of sexual sin been making you feel cut off from God? Start experiencing freedom with this proven framework for establishing a purity mindset. Overcome the mental block of "feeling unforgiven." Apply God's abundant grace to your personal journey. See yourself through the lens of who you are in Christ. And discover a vision behind your purity that will help you sustain your new lifestyle! 
