5-Day Purity Mindset Reading Planサンプル

5-Day Purity Mindset Reading Plan

5日中 2日

John 8: 11b (NIV) “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.” 

The adulterous woman was caught red-handed. Naked and exposed. Drug before a crowd. Fearful of her judgment.... That was what she deserved after all. Judgment. Condemnation. A fury of stones. But Christ turned things upside down with unexpected, undeserved grace. 

The beauty of this passage is Christ’s incredible ability to demonstrate grace without undermining our call to live lives that please God. People tend to lean to one extreme when it comes to judgment, including myself. 

Because of the guilt and shame of sexual sin, I often thought God was more like the Pharisees and teachers of the law: waiting to condemn me for my sin. I felt like God was watching me from Heaven–– clipboard in hand––placing shiny yellow stars by name when I did good and red angry faces when I performed poorly. My relationship with God hinged daily on how many rules I felt I broke that day. 

There are others who abuse God’s grace by dismissing their responsibility to live according to God’s word. They believe that as long as they say “sorry” afterward, they can continue in sin. Wrong (Romans 6:1). 

But chances are you’re not that person. You probably feel more like a hypocrite, unworthy of Christ's forgiveness for continually falling into sexual sin. You may even feel like you can’t ask for His forgiveness because you’ve sinned too many times. That’s not quite true either, Sis (Ephesians 1:7). 

This beautiful account of Jesus’ compassion shows us that it's Christ’s desire to show us scandalous grace and teach us how to live godly lives. So often we confuse healthy, necessary sorrow for offending God with condemnation––feeling as though we are unwanted by God and disgusting to Him. 

Healthy guilt proves that your God-given conscience is working and is meant to lead you to God (2 Corinthians 7:10). My girl MJ Nixon says it like this: “Condemnation is not from God, but conviction is from His Spirit.” Instead of allowing your guilt to isolate you from God, allow it to redirect you to Christ and His work on the cross. 

We don’t disgust God. Sure He hates our sin, but He desires a relationship with us. He desires a relationship with you. That’s what the gospel is all about: Jesus overthrowing the power sin has over us, forgiving us, and removing the barriers between Him and us. 

So know that if you’re struggling with porn, Christ doesn’t condemn you. If you’re battling same-sex attraction, Christ doesn’t condemn you. 
If you’ve been sleeping with your boyfriend, Christ doesn’t condemn you. If you’re a compulsive masturbator, He doesn’t condemn you. 

Jesus declares to us through His Spirit and His word, “Go now and leave your life of sin.” This is His gracious invitation to receive the gospel of relationship with Christ. 

Prayer: God, thank You for loving me and extending Your grace to me even when I fall short. Please help me receive Your forgiveness and grace daily and empower me to accept Your call to practice personal purity. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

My Moment: Are you struggling to receive God’s forgiveness and grace for past sin? What thoughts or past failures can you surrender to God in prayer today? 

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5-Day Purity Mindset Reading Plan

Has the guilt and shame of sexual sin been making you feel cut off from God? Start experiencing freedom with this proven framework for establishing a purity mindset. Overcome the mental block of "feeling unforgiven." Apply God's abundant grace to your personal journey. See yourself through the lens of who you are in Christ. And discover a vision behind your purity that will help you sustain your new lifestyle! 
