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The Book of JamesCampione

The Book of James


Today's Devotional:

Think of a time you took a bite of a perfectly crisp apple or bit into the sweetest piece of watermelon. Didn’t it bring instant enjoyment and satisfaction? But did you ever stop to think about the farmer who had to plant, labor, and harvest that fruit? Or how much time and patience it took for that fruit to grow before it got to a place where it was just right to eat?

When we pause and shift our perspective by putting ourselves in the farmer's shoes, we see that this really good thing we are enjoying in the present took time, hard work, perseverance, and patience to be what it was meant to be.

In today’s passage, James is reminding us of the importance of patience along our journey. He knows life is difficult and unfair, and we get weary at times. He knows patience can be hard at times, but he also knows the reward of patience in our lives can be great. James isn’t just getting on our case about being better at patience—he’s also encouraging us. The farmer shows us that patience is not passively waiting but actively waiting. As Christ-followers, we are to actively live a life that showcases and honors God in all things, both in the things we do and do not do. Working while waiting will produce stamina and endurance in our lives, even through the hard seasons.

We can persevere and remain patient in all things knowing we serve a God who is good, faithful, and promises to be with us through it all. As King David said in Psalm 27:13-14, “I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord, be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”

Be encouraged today. With Christ, we will see the goodness of the Lord on the other side of our patience.


Today's devotional was written by Pastor Kate Czechowicz.


  1. What are some areas in your life where you need to ask the Lord for more patience?


Jesus, thank you that we can trust you in all things and can remain confident that you are always with us and for us. I ask today for an extra measure of patience in my life to endure what is hard and remain steadfast in what is good. Lord, help me to be like the farmer and have the perspective, perseverance, and patience to wait for the perfect fruit you want to produce in my life. Amen.

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The Book of James

Have you ever wondered what faith looks like in action? This devotional walks you through the Book of James—a letter written by James, who is thought to be the brother of Jesus. As James emphasizes the relationship between faith and works, the next three weeks will be a time for you to grow in spiritual wisdom and practical application as you aim to follow Jesus faithfully.
