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The Book of JamesCampione

The Book of James


Today's Devotional:

I recently watched a documentary about a huge corporation that continually exposed its employees and local residents to deadly chemicals. Once they found out, instead of trying to protect the people, they kept it hidden so they could continue to make millions. I found myself outraged by the injustice and rooting for the innocent. It’s easy to read Scriptures like this one in James and think—wow, that’s harsh. But James is using hyperbole to communicate the seriousness of greed and putting our trust in money. Just like me watching the documentary, James is outraged by the injustice and rooting for the innocent.

Hyperbole was a common form of communication when the New Testament was written. It’s a way of exaggerating to make a point. Jesus used hyperbole when He said that if your eye or hand causes you to sin, gauge it out or cut it off. Of course, He doesn’t literally want us gauging our eyes out or cutting off our hands. He's making a point that sin causes extreme damage in our life, and we should take extreme measures to eradicate it. In the same way, James warns the rich who are oppressing the poor. He illustrates the danger of self-indulgence and how a wrong heart toward money will corrode our soul.

Micah 6:8 says, “And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” When the world seems unjust and greedy, we can respond by acting justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with God. We can start with ourselves, asking the Holy Spirit to show us if we have any unhealthy attachments to money or self-indulgence. We can utilize the antidote to greed—generosity—and look for ways to walk in integrity and bless those around us. It’s easy to point our finger at a documentary, the news, or a person who upset us, but a more righteous response is to point the finger at our own heart first.


Today's devotional was written by Melissa Miller.


  1. What are some ways you can practice generosity?
  2. What would it look like for you to live out Micah 6:8 today?
  3. What are some practical ways to walk in integrity?


God, thank you for your love and faithfulness. I pray that you would help me to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with you. Give me the strength to respond with integrity in each situation and have a heart of generosity. Amen.

Giorno 17Giorno 19

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The Book of James

Have you ever wondered what faith looks like in action? This devotional walks you through the Book of James—a letter written by James, who is thought to be the brother of Jesus. As James emphasizes the relationship between faith and works, the next three weeks will be a time for you to grow in spiritual wisdom and practical application as you aim to follow Jesus faithfully.
