Thanksgiving Overflow! - Ten Days of Bounty in Worship & GratitudeSýnishorn

A New Song...
Oh, sing to the LORD a new song!
Sing to the LORD, all the earth.
Psalm 96:1
As a parent, I loved it when our children were small and made up their own songs. What delight! What joy! Every off-key melody, word, or phrase that didn’t always make sense or rhyme brought sheer pleasure to my heart.
How does this apply to our study of worship?
Have you ever received a lovely store-bought card where the sender has only signed their name but not included a message of endearment? On the other hand, have you ever received a hand-made card, designed especially for you, with every detail bringing pleasure to your soul? The intentional thoughtfulness of the personally written note most likely meant more than the gift itself. Which of these two cards would you prefer to receive?
We can genuinely sing another person’s worship song from our hearts. The Holy Spirit uses master musicians to woo us into the Lord’s presence with beautiful lyrics and melodies that many of us could not come up with on our own. Surely God does give His body – the church – anointed worship leaders, musicians, writers, and artists. Nevertheless, the Psalmist invites us to step out of our comfort zones and make a new melody with our own words of adoration to the Lord (Psalm 40:3). Yikes! But oh, the reward of blessing our Father – even with our fumbling attempts!
Give it a try. Today. This moment.
Quietly at your workplace, the marketplace, your home, or school, begin a new song either in the Spirit or your known language to Jesus. Don’t be concerned if the words are few and not perfectly phrased. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t know how to create a melody that anyone else might want to hear. You are singing to your Abba-Daddy and He is thrilled! Sense His delight and revel in His joy as He hears your voice.
Quiet your heart and let the Holy Spirit give you His words to sing in worship.
About this Plan

Fullness. Bounty. Excess. Overflow. These words elicit a joy that goes far beyond any special season or holiday. For the believer in the Lord Jesus, they are the daily bywords of life in the Holy Spirit’s power and describe the thankfulness our hearts express in adoration and gratitude to the One who loves us beyond reason. Let’s grow in worshiping Him together!