Thanksgiving Overflow! - Ten Days of Bounty in Worship & GratitudeSýnishorn

Power in Our Praise...
Let the high praises of God be in their mouth,
And a two-edged sword in their hand,
Psalm 149:6
Let’s be reminded, worship has a key role to play in spiritual warfare.
When we worship, breakthrough takes place in the heavenly realm that can miraculously change circumstances in our physical realm. Yes, worship can do this. There are just too many Bible stories that record this and too many life experiences to discount it.
Our enemy, the devil, and his demons can’t stand it when we worship. It is genuinely the worst sound in their ears. Our praise sends them running. Psalm 149 further tells us that the demonic are bound up. In addition, when we get our eyes off our circumstances and turn them to the One Who is Almighty and reigns supreme, our situations appear minuscule in His hand. Worship aligns our hearts with His heart to hear His battle commands for us. Worship humbles us to know that only He can fight on our behalf. And worship positions us to win the battle of whatever we are facing.
- Instead of getting angry, worship.
- Instead of allowing anxiety to rule, praise.
- Instead of succumbing to self-pity, lift up the One Who uplifts you.
No, we don’t worship to get. Nevertheless, when we do genuinely worship the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, fears cease, the enemy falters, Jesus is glorified, and His presence transforms us.
So, whatever you are facing right now, instead of contacting someone else, first go to the throne room. Remember who God is, and lift your praise. Stay until you have touched heaven. Listen for the Holy Spirit’s direction. Ask for scriptures to strengthen and arm you for battle. Then, see what He does next. Because truly—worship is a key to triumphant spiritual warfare.
Consider your life's current situations. Have you worshipped in warfare to see heaven's rule?
About this Plan

Fullness. Bounty. Excess. Overflow. These words elicit a joy that goes far beyond any special season or holiday. For the believer in the Lord Jesus, they are the daily bywords of life in the Holy Spirit’s power and describe the thankfulness our hearts express in adoration and gratitude to the One who loves us beyond reason. Let’s grow in worshiping Him together!