Thanksgiving Overflow! - Ten Days of Bounty in Worship & GratitudeSýnishorn

Worship that Costs Us...
Therefore by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.
Hebrews 13:15
What might a sacrifice of praise mean for us?
The Book of Hebrews was written to Jewish believers who endured tremendous tribulation and persecution because of their newfound faith in Christ (Hebrews 10:32-33). Could the call to offer a continual sacrifice of praise mean worshiping when they, along with us, feel like it is the last thing we would want to do?
When we are hurting, broken, or facing tragic circumstances, praising God is often the furthest thing from our minds. The enemy of our soul may be using our vulnerability in these situations to entice us to allow anger and unbelief to gain ground in our lives. The devil’s strategy is always to distract us from the love of God and ultimately destroy us.
To walk in thanksgiving and praise during challenging times often begins as a sacrifice on our part. It requires something of us that we don’t necessarily want to give. King David put it this way –I will not offer worship that does not cost me. At first, sacrificial worship will require a cost from us. When our flesh is weak, it is easier to question and be upset with the Lord than to give Him praise when we don’t understand what is going on. We may also be sacrificing on His altar our pride and selfish self-will.
These trying times are when we need to worship ardently and boldly. Hell has touched us, and it needs to stop. When our lips speak Who we know Jesus is, it is a sacrifice the enemy hears and fears. And we, who are proclaiming the praise of the Commander of the Heavenly Hosts, will be strengthened by His Spirit as He decisively wins our battles for us.
Step out of your comfort zone and declare His worth by speaking to Him five new-to-you phrases of adoration today.
About this Plan

Fullness. Bounty. Excess. Overflow. These words elicit a joy that goes far beyond any special season or holiday. For the believer in the Lord Jesus, they are the daily bywords of life in the Holy Spirit’s power and describe the thankfulness our hearts express in adoration and gratitude to the One who loves us beyond reason. Let’s grow in worshiping Him together!