Daughter, Do You Know Who You Are?Sýnishorn

God is not done with you. If you have a pulse, you have a purpose. What God has started in your life, He plans to bring it to completion. He never does anything halfway. God is faithful to perform in our lives and He is going to continue to do a work in your life and will continue to perfect all that concerns you! You have a bright future in Christ. God is doing a mighty work for you as you read this! He is working things out behind the scenes.
There are things that God has to orchestrate in order for His will to come to pass in your life and sometimes that will require patience on your end. But, one thing you can count on is that you are in the palm of His hands and He will never fail you or leave you. God can be trusted because He would never promise something to you without having the intention of bringing it to pass. No matter what, God plans to stay with you through the ups and downs. Those other people may have left you when times got tough, but the Lord will always stay by your side.
Your past is dead and gone and because you are a child of the Most High God, He takes full responsibility over you. He is there to guide and lead you every step of the way if you allow Him to take the reins of your life. Give Him first place each day and you will see His hand move in mighty ways!
Prayer for today:
“Lord, I thank You for doing a mighty work in my life. Father, I trust that You have great plans for me and You are bringing it all to completion. I ask Father for patience as I wait for everything to unfold right before my eyes. I thank You that I have a bright future in You, Jesus. I praise and worship You for Your goodness and faithfulness to perform in my life. I give You and You alone all of the glory in advance for all that You have in store for my life. In Jesus’ name, amen”
About this Plan

A 30 day devotional discovering who you are in Christ. Each day will begin with a scripture to meditate on, an encouraging word and a prayer at the end.