Daughter, Do You Know Who You Are?Sýnishorn

You Are Loved
You must understand that you are loved so much, that Jesus died for you on the cross. Yes, He was beaten for you. He was whipped and scourged for you. He carried the cross on His back and saw you. He was nailed to that very same cross for you. He did it all out of His love for you. Before you even knew Jesus, He chose to die for you. There is nobody on this earth that will ever love you more than Jesus Christ, and get this, nothing can ever separate you from that love!
It does not matter what the enemy says. He is a liar and the father of lies (John 8:44). Did you make mistakes? Did you find yourself in tough situations? Whatever you did, that will not make Jesus love you any less! He loved you before you made any of those mistakes, and He loves you now past all of those mistakes. His love for you is unconditional, meaning there are no strings attached. He loves you despite your flaws. I understand that people may have hurt you or even left you because of them, but Jesus is not them. Jesus is not that person who hurt you. Jesus is not that man who left you, or that person who betrayed you.
If there is anything you need to grasp today on Day 1 is this, Jesus Christ and His love for you will never falter or fail. His love will never be conditional or based on whether you were good or bad today. His love is not something that is here today and gone tomorrow. His love is something that can not be altered or separated from! Let His love envelope you today!
Prayer for today:
“Jesus, I thank you for loving me and dying for me on the Cross. Lord, you know everything about me and I come to you with an open heart to receive Your unfailing love. I ask that You would give me revelation of your love and that through this journey, I would grow stronger in every area of my life. I give you all of the glory today. Amen”
About this Plan

A 30 day devotional discovering who you are in Christ. Each day will begin with a scripture to meditate on, an encouraging word and a prayer at the end.