Daughter, Do You Know Who You Are?Sýnishorn

You Are NOT Your Past
The devil will try to make you remember and replay the past in your mind, but in Christ Jesus, you are blood-washed and have become a new creature. You are not your past. You are not the old person you used to be. You are brand new. You have a clean slate in Christ. Your past does not determine your future. Now, your future is in Christ.
The reason why the devil tries to get you to remember your past is because He understands this truth and wants you to not walk in this truth. If the enemy can keep you trapped and living in your past daily, then he can keep you from becoming all that God has called you to be. Don’t allow the enemy to have a foothold in your life any longer. The old you has died and has been crucified with Christ (Galatians 2:20).
Whenever the enemy tries to bring up your past, you tell him what his future holds. He is a defeated foe and in the end, he loses! Allow this truth to penetrate your heart today because the new has come. Christ died for you to have a future, not for you to relive your past. Your past is done for. You cannot go back and change the past, but now you can recreate this wonderful future you have in Christ and live according to His Word and most importantly in victory!
Prayer for today:
“Lord, I thank You that I am no longer a product of my past. Thank You for washing me clean and giving me a clean slate. Jesus, thank You for shedding Your precious blood on the Cross for me, and in You, I have a future! I rebuke and renounce you satan! I refuse to believe that I am my past! I rebuke those negative thoughts and I declare that I am a new creature in Christ. Satan, you are a defeated foe! Get behind me! Father, I thank You for the victory! I ask that You show me the path that You have for me, and I thank You for revealing this amazing truth to me today! In Jesus’ name, amen”
About this Plan

A 30 day devotional discovering who you are in Christ. Each day will begin with a scripture to meditate on, an encouraging word and a prayer at the end.