Audacious FaithSýnishorn

Audacious Faith

DAY 7 OF 7

Mary’s Audacious Faith

Have you ever been faced with a decision that society would frown upon? Has God ever asked you to do something that could potentially strain your relationships or tarnish your reputation? Did you possess audacious faith to embrace the calling despite the challenges? Have you ever found it difficult to follow God when He leads you into uncharted territory? Let's reflect on the remarkable faith of Mary.

Mary, just around 14 years old, was living a devout life. Engaged to Joseph, she was committed to God and remained a virgin. One night, while she was asleep, an angel appeared to her and said, "Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will name Him Jesus. He will be extraordinary and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give Him the throne of His ancestor David, and He will reign over Israel... The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore, the child to be born will be holy; He will be called the Son of God." Mary responded with incredible audacious faith, saying, "I am the Lord's servant. May everything you have said about me come true." Her response marked a powerful declaration of faith.

In that moment, the prophecy from Isaiah 7:14 was fulfilled: "The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call Him Immanuel (God is with us)." Mary demonstrated audacious faith by embracing the divine assignment despite the potential consequences. Her fiancé nearly left her, whispers circulated within her community, shame burdened her and her family, and she was just a young girl. Furthermore, her faithfulness would lead her to experience unimaginable pain and grief as her son endured a brutal and unjust death. She would find herself caught in the conflict between the forces of heaven and hell. Did she fully comprehend the path that lay ahead? Did she know that her child would walk on water and save sons and daughters? Could she have anticipated that her baby boy would restore sight to the blind, calm storms with a mere word, and bring healing to the broken? Did she understand that the blind would see, the deaf would hear, the dead would rise, and the lame would walk? Did she grasp that He was the Lord of all creation, destined to rule the nations? Did she recognize that He was the perfect Lamb and the great I am? Did she comprehend that the child she would bear would ultimately deliver her? Mary's choice had everlasting implications.

With audacious faith, Mary wholeheartedly followed the Lord. Regardless of the obstacles, the cost, or the dangers, she was an ordinary girl with an extraordinary heart devoted to God. She willingly embraced God's call, no matter the price. How often have we heard God's call and responded with hesitation and fear of the unknown? Following God's call demands a deep trust that can only be nurtured through intimacy with Him. To hear God's voice and develop such willingness, we must spend time with Him—immersing ourselves in His Word, engaging in prayer, worshiping, and listening for His voice.

When Mary received the divine message, she sought out her cousin Elizabeth. Overwhelmed, excited, fearful, and perhaps questioning the reality of her situation, Mary turned to someone she trusted and admired. She shared her experience with Elizabeth, seeking encouragement and love. God calls us to uplift and support one another, to bear each other's burdens (Galatians 6:2). At times, we may be called to emulate Mary and step out in audacious faith, but other times, we may be called to be an Elizabeth—to care for and encourage those who are walking difficult paths for God's glory. It is essential to have a safe space to share our thoughts and feelings, surrounded by people who will pray for us and uplift us. Simultaneously, we should be attentive to opportunities to encourage others, seeking God's guidance to reach out through texts, coffee dates, or letters. Everyone needs an Elizabeth in their life.

Most importantly, Mary responded to God's call with praise (Luke 1:46-55). Praise positions our hearts to focus on God's love and provision. Mary's heart remained fixed on heavenly matters, and she exhibited humility. She humbled herself before the Lord, making Him her top priority. When God speaks to us, we must humble ourselves, listen attentively, and offer Him praise. When we approach God with humble adoration, our hearts become receptive to His guidance.

To follow God's call with audacious faith and courage, we must cultivate a willing heart, seek encouragement from others, and continuously praise God regardless of our circumstances. God's call may not always align with our expectations, but when we step out with audacious faith, He will provide, lead, and protect us.


Lord, I am Your servant. May everything You have said about me come true. Guide my prayers to align with Your will. Help me embrace audacious faith and follow Your lead, even when it seems incomprehensible to others. Rid me of concerns about my reputation and grant me the ability to discern Your voice and faithfully follow Your direction. Empower me to immerse myself in Your Word and listen to Your voice, no matter the cost.

Dag 6

About this Plan

Audacious Faith

When was the last time you had audacious faith? When was the last time you prayed a bold prayer and believed God for the impossible? Let me tell you a story of audacious faith and bold prayers.
