Audacious FaithSýnishorn

Audacious Faith

DAY 2 OF 7

Noah’s Audacious Faith

When was the last time you heard from God and thought this is crazy? How in the world am I supposed to make this happen? What happens if my friends make fun of me? This is when we need audacious faith to sit back and watch God move in ways we have never expected before.

“Faith will never make you look foolish. Just ask Noah.” - Matthew Hagee

Noah had audacious faith; God asked him to do something so crazy, and even though everyone made fun of him, he still listened and waited for God’s provision through it all.

Mankind became so corrupt that God decided to wipe out every living thing from the earth. But Noah found favor with the Lord. He was a righteous man who walked in close fellowship with the Lord. God asked Noah to build a boat big enough for his family, a pair of every kind of animal—male and female— seven pairs of every animal that God has approved of eating and for sacrifice, and make sure to bring enough food for his family and all the animals. So, Noah did everything God commanded him to do. Even while others made fun of him, Noah pressed on and did what God called him to do. When Noah finished, He waited on the Lord who sent the animals to Noah. Then it rained for 40 days and 40 nights. The waters rose higher and higher than the highest mountain on the earth.

All the living creatures on earth died. The only people who survived were Noah and his family, and the flood waters covered the earth for 150 days. Then Noah waited multiple months for the water to go down. He sent out a raven and a dove two different times to see if it was safe to go out. He was on the boat for over a year waiting on God for direction on what to do next.

Noah is a landmark figure in the history of redemption because he was a living example of “the just living by faith.” How can you wait like Noah with audacious faith? You can by always trusting God, believing in His Word, and acting in obedience. Noah had never seen anything like a global flood before and may not have even known every kind of animal that God was bringing to the boat. All he had to go on was God’s character and knowing God’s promise to one day end Adam’s curse and crush the serpent’s head. (Genesis 3:15) After God told him a great flood was coming, Noah made practical preparations for something he “had not seen.” He had audacious faith and a reverent fear of God. He acted on his faith no matter how crazy it may have seemed to the world around him.


God, give me faith like Noah. Help me to have complete trust in Your provision and to have faith in the waiting. Help me not to worry about what others are saying but to listen to your voice above all the other voices. Thank you, God, for the provision in the waiting, for the undeniable peace, and for understanding when things don’t make sense.

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About this Plan

Audacious Faith

When was the last time you had audacious faith? When was the last time you prayed a bold prayer and believed God for the impossible? Let me tell you a story of audacious faith and bold prayers.
