Audacious FaithSýnishorn

Audacious Faith

DAY 6 OF 7

Peter’s Audacious Faith

Have you recently taken bold steps of audacious faith? Have you chosen obedience over fear? Are you tuning in to God's voice or allowing worldly voices to guide you? Peter demonstrated audacious faith when he ventured onto the water to be in the presence of Jesus.

After Jesus sent His disciples ahead on a boat to cross the lake, He withdrew to pray alone. Meanwhile, the disciples found themselves in trouble far from land as a fierce wind stirred up heavy waves. Around three o'clock in the morning, Jesus approached them, walking on the water. When the disciples saw Him, fear gripped their hearts, and they cried out, "It's a ghost!" Instantly, Jesus reassured them, saying, "Don't be afraid. Take courage. I am here." Upon hearing this, Peter called out, "Lord, if it's really you, command me to come to you on the water." Jesus replied, "Yes, come." Encouraged by Jesus' words, Peter stepped out of the boat and began walking towards Him on the water. However, as he noticed the strong wind and crashing waves, fear seized him, and he started to sink. Desperately, Peter cried out, "Save me, Lord!" Immediately, Jesus reached out and rescued him, asking, "You have so little faith. Why did you doubt me?" Peter indeed possessed audacious faith as he was the only one who dared to step out of the boat. He realized that his safety wasn't tied to the boat itself, but rather to being with Jesus in the midst of the storm. With Jesus, one can endure any storm, for all other ground is sinking sand. No vessel can save us except the mighty name of Jesus. Peter placed his faith in Jesus, and we too must keep our faith in Him regardless of the storms around us. Instead of fixating on the wind and waves, we ought to fix our gaze on the cross. Do we not realize that we were bought at a price? Romans 8 assures us that if God willingly sacrificed His own Son for us, what good thing would He withhold from us? We should believe Him when He declares that He desires what is best for us. He is a good God, and He has already demonstrated His willingness to provide for us. Rather than contemplating what He can or might do for us, we must focus on what He will do for us. And then, we must step out of the boat.

When Jesus commanded Peter to "come," he obediently followed Him, even though it defied logic. This is the essence of obedience accompanied by audacious faith. We must step into the unknown, even when it lacks rationality. When Peter ventured onto the water, he kept his eyes fixed on Jesus. As long as he looked at Jesus amidst the storm, he remained above the water. However, the moment he diverted his gaze, he began to sink. In the midst of our own storms, we must keep our focus on Jesus, regardless of the challenges we face. Audacious faith involves simply taking the next steps. It unlocks supernatural possibilities. Peter only experienced the supernatural power of walking on water when he placed his trust in Jesus. Fear will always drag us down, but audacious faith enables us to achieve the impossible. Jesus has promised to be with us always ("...I am with you always, even to the end of the age" - Matthew 28:20), and that includes every storm we encounter. Instead of approaching Jesus with fear and anxiety, we should surrender everything to Him and allow Him to comfort and care for us. Listen to His voice amidst the storms of life. Take courage and fear not, for He is the Great I am!


Dear God, grant me audacious faith, even in the face of the impossible. Help me keep my eyes fixed on You throughout life's storms. Thank You for never abandoning me in the midst of these chaotic tempests but providing a safe refuge.

Dag 5Dag 7

About this Plan

Audacious Faith

When was the last time you had audacious faith? When was the last time you prayed a bold prayer and believed God for the impossible? Let me tell you a story of audacious faith and bold prayers.
