Sýn Biblíunnar á félagslegar breytingarSýnishorn

Offering Ourselves
In today's passage (Mark 6:35-36), the position we find the disciples in is very similar to what many of us face as we journey with Jesus today.
Exhausted by the demands of following Jesus and serving others, the disciples wanted a break. And then, their short reprieve is interrupted by the gathering of a large crowd with, no doubt, many demands.
As evening falls the disciples are alarmed that the crowd show no signs of leaving even though the place is desolate and there is no food. Their impulse is to ask Jesus to send them away, nothing can be done.
We often want to do the same with those whose needs are beyond our capacity to meet. Our tendency is to focus on problems rather than possibilities. Equally, just like the disciples, we tend to push the problem entirely onto Jesus to solve, as opposed to asking Him how we might work together. Many of our prayers are rather like the request of the disciples—Jesus, please take this responsibility off our hands!
Without God’s faithfulness, we would struggle to make ends meet without hope of life ever changing. But God's word has been planted in the hearts of those who believe, and has given us an appetite to work together to see His transforming power.
The disciples had limited resources yet Jesus multiplied them to feed an enormous crowd. What resources do you have which God might multiply and use for the blessing of your community? These might not be merely material resources, but skills or time.
About this Plan

Mörgum kristnum hópum er umhugað um að mæta annað hvort andlegum eða líkamlegum þörfum meðlima sinna. Hver eiga forgangsmál okkar sem kristinna einstaklinga að vera? Hvað getur Biblían kennt okkur um þessi málefni?