Sýn Biblíunnar á félagslegar breytingarSýnishorn

How are we to love God? What does it mean to love our neighbors as ourselves? Are we truly concerned with their welfare, both physical and spiritual?
Jesus was concerned about the whole person. He healed the sick as He preached and taught. In following Him, we too must share His concern.
When Jesus sent out His twelve disciples to minister to others, He commanded them to heal the sick and to be concerned for the physical needs of others as they preached the good news of Jesus Christ.
Jesus has empowered us to meet the needs of others. How might we act towards those in need in our community in order to empower them to meet their own needs?
About this Plan

Mörgum kristnum hópum er umhugað um að mæta annað hvort andlegum eða líkamlegum þörfum meðlima sinna. Hver eiga forgangsmál okkar sem kristinna einstaklinga að vera? Hvað getur Biblían kennt okkur um þessi málefni?