She Works His Way: 7 Gospel Truths for Working WomenSýnishorn

She Works His Way: 7 Gospel Truths for Working Women

DAY 7 OF 7

Mark 11 paints an incredible picture as Jesus entered into Jerusalem. The people shouted, “Hosanna!” They laid their cloaks down and put palm branches down in His path, which was basically a form of our modern-day red carpet. They recognized Him as God’s Son, as the Promised One from the line of David. 

That was Sunday. By Tuesday, the plot to kill Jesus began. And on Thursday evening, Jesus was publicly betrayed by one of his twelve most trusted followers.

Four. Days. Later. 

Talk about a reality check on pursuing the world’s approval. The world’s approval is temporary, fleeting, and totally unreliable. Palm Sunday was glamorous, but by Thursday, things had turned bloody. By Friday, Jesus was dead.

But the story doesn’t finish on Friday. The crowd’s approval did not have the final say, but the Word of God did. Three days later, the tomb was empty, and still today, He is risen!

Approval is not measured in likes, followers, or dollars. Approval is not a bigger platform or a better promotion. And most of all, approval is not something you have to spend your life seeking.

Almost every other world religion is rooted in what you have to do, but following Christ is rooted in what Jesus has done. Approval is what Jesus did for you on the cross. 

The gospel is your approval. 

Jesus earned your approval! 

Jesus is alive, your approval is sealed, and one day, He is coming back for the approved.

I have to believe that there will be at least one of you who reads these words who has never given your life to Christ. Your first step is simply to say yes to Jesus.

I wish I could be right there by your side, but I know He’s with you now. Following Him will not guarantee you the “health, wealth and happiness” that the world pursues, but living for Him results in peace, freedom and fullness of joy. Trials are certain, but you will never go through them alone.

I’d so much rather you live a challenging life than an empty one. The decision to live for Christ is the most important decision and the best decision you’ll ever make. We are praying right now that before you choose any of the strategies or principles you’ve read over the last seven days that you will simply choose Him

God, when I find myself craving approval, take me back to the cross. Remind me that what Jesus did for me is the only approval I’ll ever need and that I did nothing to earn it. Keep me in awe of the gospel, Lord. Help me live as one approved, a worker who knows Jesus covered all my shame. Equip me to grow in grace, and to daily embrace my identity in You. Give me endurance to run the race You’ve set before me with confidence You’ve already claimed the victory. Amen.

Learn more about our book, She Works His Way: A Practical Guide to Do What Matters Most in a Get Things Done World. 

This Bible Plan is adapted from the book, She Works His Way: A Practical Guide to Do What Matters Most in a Get Things Done World, with permission from Bethany House. Content has been altered for brevity. 

Dag 6

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She Works His Way: 7 Gospel Truths for Working Women

Work-life balance is often offered as the working woman's solution. But should it be? The pursuit of balance often results in an exhausted woman simultaneously striving to be who God says she is + who the world says she should be. The gospel offers a better way - His way. These 7 gospel truths from Michelle and Somer's book are the reminders every working woman needs.
