She Works His Way: 7 Gospel Truths for Working WomenSýnishorn

She Works His Way: 7 Gospel Truths for Working Women

DAY 1 OF 7

Working women are consistently encouraged to have work life balance. And while balance sounds like a good goal, it typically results in an exhausted woman simultaneously striving to be who God says she is and who the world says she should be. 

That’s not balance, that’s bondage. And it’s happening far too often.

We’re all continuously exposed to the enemy’s lies, which he often cleverly disguises as half-truths. We’re not living in a world with merely the extremes of good and evil to navigate. This life requires us to discern the difference between what is merely good and what is actually of God.

It’s a confusing and frustrating place to exist... if our focus does not remain where it belongs.

That’s our goal over these next seven days: to help you to refocus. 

And no better place to begin that the verse we read today: 

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you,” - Matthew 6:33. 

If you take nothing else away from this plan, remember this:

Better life balance is not the solution. Order is. We were divinely designed to put God first.

Deep down in the depths of our soul, we crave Him. And He won’t tolerate being second because He can’t. He’s God. So it would make sense that if your priority order is mixed up or inverted, you'll feel anxious, discontent, and aimless. 

The world is trying so hard convince you that you can do it all, be it all and have it all. And part of you really wants to believe it. After all, you are a strong, smart, and capable woman.

But you also know you are not stronger, smarter, or more capable than God.

And while we know that’s true, the real question is: Do we live like it’s true?

Dependence on God is the foundation for following Him. That’s why we must constantly remind ourselves that as believers, self-sufficiency is a deficiency. Because you can’t live in a way that is both God-dependent and self-sufficient.

Father, I come to you and confess that it is all too easy to live my life as a simultaneous attempt to be all that You created me to be and all the world expects me to be. In Jesus’ name, I ask for Your help to live my decision that the dual pursuit ends today. I’m trading life balance for full surrender. I want to seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness; I trust that you will provide everything else. Amen. 

Learn more about our book, She Works His Way: A Practical Guide to Do What Matters Most in a Get Things Done World.

This plan is adapted from the book, She Works His Way: A Practical Guide to Do What Matters Most in a Get Things Done World, with permission from Bethany House. Content has been altered for brevity. 

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About this Plan

She Works His Way: 7 Gospel Truths for Working Women

Work-life balance is often offered as the working woman's solution. But should it be? The pursuit of balance often results in an exhausted woman simultaneously striving to be who God says she is + who the world says she should be. The gospel offers a better way - His way. These 7 gospel truths from Michelle and Somer's book are the reminders every working woman needs.
