Beautiful PregnancySýnishorn

"Motherhood is a calling!"
I believe motherhood is not something that you can be forced into – It’s a calling. The sooner you realize this, the easier you will be able to understand how children are not a burden, but a blessing. No doubt it is not an easy calling, but here is where you need to depend on God’s grace rather than your own strength.
It’s sad to see the amount of pessimism associated with pregnancy and parenting. We often hear comments like children “tie a mother down”; “interfere with your career” and “limit your freedom.” But again, God’s Word clearly says, “Children are a reward”, and God also commands us to “Be fruitful and increase in number.”
In fact I believe one of the key purposes why God has designed woman is to play the role of a mother and reflect Him in that role. However, Satan is in constant pursuit of stealing this purpose. He tells the woman, “It is ideal to get a degree, compete with your peers and earn a million dollars. Being a wife and a mother is good, but it can wait for some more time. After all, that’s not what you want to be identified with, right?”
The most prominent divine assignment that children bring along is the ‘Killing of Self’. Let me explain. Married couples are quick to shrug off the ‘responsibility’ that comes with children because it limits their so called freedom. But motherhood teaches you sacrifice. In our culture of self-gratification, to embrace selfless motherhood seems to be a fantasy! The world hates even the mention of sacrifice and this is why millions of women have turned into murderers to avoid it.
The world will probably never understand it, because it is always looking at “what’s there in it for me?” That’s why they are quick to run away from anything that restricts their freedom.
But for those who are in Christ, the question begins and ends with God - How can I have more of Jesus and less of me? How can God be glorified? Our families and marriages exist not for our sakes, but for His.
So embrace motherhood.
It is a wonderful way to crucify one’s flesh. After all, isn’t God in the same business of transforming us and conforming us into the likeness of His Son?
About this Plan

The nine months of pregnancy more often than not conjure images of fear, anxiety, pain and suffering. But this is far from what God intended it to be! God’s plan for your pregnancy is beautiful! As you delve into this plan, the lies of the devil concerning pregnancy will be exposed, and your faith will be strengthened as you understand God’s perspective of pregnancy outlined in His Word.