Beautiful PregnancySýnishorn

"Pregnancy is not a sickness"
Sickness, illness, disease or death is clearly not a part of God’s plan for His children. When Jesus walked on the earth, He was filled with compassion and went about healing all whom He encountered in His path. The disciples of Jesus too went about healing physical ailments in His name. But nowhere do we read of Jesus and His disciples ‘healing’ a pregnant woman! In fact throughout the Scripture children are described as God’s blessing and reward.
Dear sister, when you are pregnant, it doesn’t mean that you are ‘sick’. I believe half of your pregnancy issues will get sorted if you only realize and live by this truth. Yes, you do need a doctor when you are pregnant. But that doesn’t mean you are sick. It’s just that your body is undergoing changes and getting prepared for childbirth.
I have seen many expectant women walk with a sigh on their face. But mind you, when you are subconsciously taking your pregnancy as sickness, that's what it will be to you. The Bible says as a man thinks in his heart so is he.
Rather, Let the joy of the Lord be your strength.
You are bound to get a lot of sympathy from the people around you, whether you are at home, at work or travelling. That’s not because you are sick or suffering, but I believe it’s the favour of man that you receive because you are carrying God’s reward in your womb. So don’t get caught in the sympathy web and let your mind deceive you into it.
When the end result of pregnancy is so beautiful, how can the process be sickness?
Say it aloud and many times until it sinks in your mind:
Pregnancy is NOT A SICKNESS. Pregnancy means I am BLESSED!
About this Plan

The nine months of pregnancy more often than not conjure images of fear, anxiety, pain and suffering. But this is far from what God intended it to be! God’s plan for your pregnancy is beautiful! As you delve into this plan, the lies of the devil concerning pregnancy will be exposed, and your faith will be strengthened as you understand God’s perspective of pregnancy outlined in His Word.