Beautiful PregnancySýnishorn

"Power in what you say"
The Bible says that there is power of life and death in the tongue. With His words God spoke the universe into existence, and so also with your words you can ‘create’ the world around you. In fact if there is something that can stop us from reaching our God-ordained destiny, it is our words.
So what kind of words should you not say?…Words that are based on human wisdom and flesh rather than what the Spirit of God has to say.
The Bible calls them “Idle words” or “empty words”. An idle or an empty word is one that does not have value, since it is ‘worthless’. When you speak negative or doubt-filled words, they are basically empty words because they negate the value of Jesus’ victory on the cross.
In fact God is so serious about what you speak that Bible says that one day you will have to give an account of it before Him!
Below are some words we often hear from women concerning pregnancy:
I can’t take this pregnancy anymore
I have a family history of miscarriages
Every morning when I get up I feel so unwell
I don’t think I’ll ever get pregnant!
I can never get good sleep
I always feel pukey in the morning
– the list is endless.
When you speak positive words, power is released in the supernatural to make it a reality. Similarly when you confess words that are not in alignment with what God says, powers of darkness are let loose to bring you its fruit.
So regardless of how you feel, start confessing positive affirmations from God’s Word and soon you will start seeing positive results!
Say words like:
I praise God for I am enjoying my pregnancy (Psalm 150:6)
I lie down and sleep in peace (Psalm 4:8)
God’s mercy is new upon me every morning. I am feeling healthy and fresh (Lamentations 3:23)
No matter what the doctor says, I am healed and pregnant (Isaiah 53:5)
I am chosen, blessed and highly favoured concerning my pregnancy (1 Peter 2:9)
I am well and whole for my God watches over me (Psalms 91)
About this Plan

The nine months of pregnancy more often than not conjure images of fear, anxiety, pain and suffering. But this is far from what God intended it to be! God’s plan for your pregnancy is beautiful! As you delve into this plan, the lies of the devil concerning pregnancy will be exposed, and your faith will be strengthened as you understand God’s perspective of pregnancy outlined in His Word.