21 Days: CommissionedIhe Atụ

Key verse: “Now fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness. Throw away the gods your ancestors worshipped beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord… But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." - Joshua 24:14-15
Many years passed since the Israelites fought battles for the promised land. Peace surrounded the tribes of Israel; they were settled in their new homes. Every promise from God had been fulfilled. In other words, the Israelites were living their dream life.
But trouble was brewing: Despite all that God had done for the Israelites, they had the tendency of turning away from Him when things were going well. Indeed, some were already worshipping other gods!
So Joshua, now an old man nearing his death, gathers the leaders of Israel. He re-tells the stories of how God rescued, led and fought for them. He reminds them of God’s faithfulness, but also of His judgement against sin and rebellion. He presents a choice to the people of Israel: Serve God, or serve the other gods (at your own peril). He then makes this public declaration: “As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”
There comes a point in our lives when we need to renew our commitment to God, like Joshua did. No matter how powerfully God moved or how astounding His works may have been in the past, our faith does not get automatically renewed! The truth is that without an intentional renewal of faith, our relationship with God can easily waver.
As we enter this new year, or a new phase of life, are we ready to come to God with fresh consecration? Let us make a bold declaration like Joshua did: “... but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!”
Are there areas in your life where you’ve grown comfortable and need to renew your commitment to God? What steps can we take to recommit ourselves to God in these areas?
Banyere Atụmatụ Ihe Ọgụgụ A

In this 21-day devotional, Commissioned, we’ll explore how God called Joshua to lead His people into the Promised Land—and how He’s calling each of us to step into our own mission. Just like Joshua, we are commissioned by God to advance His purposes, no matter where we are. Over these next 21 days, you’ll be challenged to walk in faith, courage, and obedience, knowing that God goes before you, equips you, and strengthens you for every battle ahead. Prepare to reflect on your calling and the impact God wants to make through your life.