Find & Follow Jesus, Quarter 1Ihe Atụ

Here’s a revised version of your devotional:
Week 9
(Leviticus 17–27, Numbers 1–2, Psalm 24–25, Proverbs 5, Romans 2–8)
The laws given in Leviticus were a blessing to God’s people, but they were never meant to be permanent. God desires for us to live in true freedom. The law was a temporary solution to the problem of sin, but in Romans 8, we learn that Jesus has fulfilled the law for those who walk according to the Spirit. Instead of being enslaved to the law, we are invited to submit ourselves to the leadership of the Holy Spirit, who empowers us to live in righteousness.
Our natural tendency is to lean on our salvation through Jesus and the authority of Scripture, but Paul reminds us in Romans 8:13-14, "If you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God." God is inviting us to experience freedom and the fullness of sonship as we are led by the Spirit in every part of our lives.
The Holy Spirit is our guide, teaching us truth and leading us in all areas of life. What part of your life do you most need His guidance in today? Ask the Spirit to help you in that area and watch for how He answers. Take a moment to thank Him for His presence in your life, bringing truth, direction, and freedom to each day.
Banyere Atụmatụ Ihe Ọgụgụ A

Follow our quarterly plans to read through the entire Bible in one year, plus a bonus round through the Gospels and Romans. Each day has one verse we encourage you to write down, journal about, or memorize, and then you can read sections from both the Old Testament and New Testament. Every week we provide an additional devotional for further discussion on that week's themes.