Find & Follow Jesus, Quarter 1Ihe Atụ

Week 6
(Exodus 15–28, Psalm 15–17, Proverbs 3, Acts 9–15)
In Exodus 20, we read about God giving His people the Ten Commandments. While many of these commands—like not stealing or murdering—may feel straightforward, the fourth commandment is often misunderstood: “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.”
The Hebrew word for “take” used here is nāśā', which more commonly means “to bear.” We see this same word in Exodus 28, where Aaron’s priestly robes are described. Aaron was instructed to wear a headpiece engraved with the words “Holy to the Lord” so that he could “bear the name of the Lord” before the people.
Later in Scripture, we learn that all believers are part of this royal priesthood. Though we don’t wear ornate robes, we are still called to bear God’s name in how we act, speak, and love. To bear His name means to reflect His character and represent Him to others, carrying His holiness into every sphere of our lives.
Pray that our church family would be faithful bearers of the name of the Lord, bringing His love and character into our communities. Ask God to help us represent Him well in our workplaces, schools, families, and friendships—wherever He has placed us. Let’s be people who lead others to find and follow Jesus.
Banyere Atụmatụ Ihe Ọgụgụ A

Follow our quarterly plans to read through the entire Bible in one year, plus a bonus round through the Gospels and Romans. Each day has one verse we encourage you to write down, journal about, or memorize, and then you can read sections from both the Old Testament and New Testament. Every week we provide an additional devotional for further discussion on that week's themes.