Living in Increase (Part 10) - Increase in AwarenessIhe Atụ

Be Aware that We are Called to Serve
At twenty-eight years of age, Amy Carmichael left her comfortable home in Ireland to serve God in India. She found her initial time there frustrating. The language was difficult to learn, and many customs contradicted her methods for spreading the Gospel. However, she persisted in her desire and calling to reach India for Jesus.
In 1901, she met Preena. This seven-year-old girl would change Amy’s life and ministry forever. Preena’s mother had given her up as a sacrifice to the gods. Preena’s fate was to spend a lifetime as a temple prostitute. After her first attempt to escape, her mother returned her to the temple, where she was punished with hot irons to her hands. The second time she escaped, she ran to a church, hoping it differed from the temple. At the church, Preena met Amy, who would listen to Preena’s devastating story. Amy would learn that Preena was not alone and that countless other children were suffering the same abuse. Amy was moved to action and dedicated the rest of her ministry to rescuing and serving India’s children.
God chose to give India’s forgotten children to Amy Carmichael. Amy founded the Dohnavur Fellowship, a home for children escaping the evils of temple prostitution. She was committed to ministering to these children both physically and spiritually. She made Bible reading the primary educational focus at the orphanage, but there was no shortage of love, laughter, hard work, and fun in the home.
Amy was said to be fervent in prayer and expected great things from God. She never asked for money. Instead, she watched God meet her needs in miraculous ways. She served the children well. She is said to have saved hundreds of children who affectionately called her “Amma” (Mother). Temple prostitution was outlawed in India in 1940. However, the Dohnavur Fellowship remains a haven for Indian children needing a home to this day.
Julie Austin
Action Step: If you're not already volunteering at your local church, inquire about serving opportunities today. Take the necessary steps to begin serving others!
Okwu Chukwu
Banyere Atụmatụ Ihe Ọgụgụ A

Are you ready to increase your awareness as a Christian? Join us for this 28-day study as a part of our 365-day “Living in Increase” plan to experience the fulfilled and abundant life God always intended for you.