All InIhe Atụ

Going All In
Matthew Becerra
Often in my life, I am faced with a challenge just like everyone else. Usually, I find it hard to believe in myself. The enemy would love nothing more than to discourage us before doing something courageous, whether spreading the gospel, connecting with other Christians, or even going on that mission trip.
For me, that challenge was giving my worries to God. I vividly remember being anxious about going to church again after COVID-19, worried I was not “holy” enough. It was hard, but God kept reassuring me that His plan was worth putting all my faith in.
God calls out to Moses through a burning bush, commissioning him to lead the Israelites out of Egyptian captivity. Moses questions his capabilities, knowing this is a huge task, but God calls to him specifically. God reminds Moses that he is equipped for this by saying, “I will be with you.” How often do we step into tasks without remembering He is with us?
We are all born with courage, hope, and endurance. But that can only be fully matured by Jesus. Are you settling for the comfort of temporary things? It’s easier. But can you lean into the difficulty of developing the forever qualities God has seen and labeled in you?
Take Jesus’s disciples, for example; some were lost, others were arrogant, and others were even looked down upon at the time. But Jesus found qualities in all of them to be used for His glory. No matter how you see yourself, Jesus saw greatness in you first and has already equipped you with what you need to go all in. When we trust Him, we see more of how God sees us and who He has called us to be.
As you go through your day, reflect on how Moses can be the central leader chosen by God, leading the Israelites out of captivity. Can you be a leader wherever you are? Connect with Jesus and let Him be your guide.
We all have goals, so how do you continuously rely on Jesus to reach them? How can you glorify God throughout the process?
Okwu Chukwu
Banyere Atụmatụ Ihe Ọgụgụ A

“New Year, New Me” is only accurate if something is different about you. This devotional is meant to challenge you to fully commit to Christ, your actions, hearts, and minds. This will show you the importance of living authentically for Jesus by fully engaging, not having one foot in and one foot out of your faith. We pray that through this, you will make bold choices, trust God’s plan, and make your relationship with Christ above everything else. Are you ready? Let’s go All In!