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Akara Eji Eme Ọchịchọ

A Year in Luke/ActsIhe Atụ

A Year in Luke/Acts


Psalm 92 is a song for the Sabbath day. The psalm is a psalm of praise, focused on giving thanks to our God. The Sabbath is not only for resting, but also for praising God and giving Him thanks. We studied the Messianic banquet earlier in the week, and we read about the foolish people who denied the master with silly excuses. In this psalm, we read about how much God has done, and how we can rejoice in Him. In verses 6-8, we see the contrast that a “Stupid person does not know; a fool does not understand” the magnificence of our Lord, which can remind us of the foolish excuses of those invited to the banquet in Luke 14. Take some time to pray a prayer solely of praise. May we always receive His invitation of restoration and invite others to delight in His magnificence.

Okwu Chukwu

Ụbọchị 97Ụbọchị 99

Banyere Atụmatụ Ihe Ọgụgụ A

A Year in Luke/Acts

Spend a year immersed in Luke's account of Jesus's life and the spread of the gospel through his followers as the Spirit empowers them.
