A Year in Luke/ActsIhe Atụ

One day, from amongst the crowd, someone appears to have been baptized by John. We don't have as much information about Jesus’ baptism in Luke as other gospels, but we know that the heavens were opened, and a dove descended upon Jesus. Whilst often the image in the New Testament of the Holy Spirit is of fire, with Jesus, the image is of a dove. This shows the complete surrender to God’s will. Whilst fire is often needed to purify, no such fire was needed with Jesus.
The way John had been preparing was ready; the ministry of Jesus was about to begin.
Okwu Chukwu
Banyere Atụmatụ Ihe Ọgụgụ A

Spend a year immersed in Luke's account of Jesus's life and the spread of the gospel through his followers as the Spirit empowers them.