Akara Njirimara YouVersion
Akara Eji Eme Ọchịchọ

Ozi Nke Atụmatụ Ihe Ọgụgụ

Music: New Testament SongsIhe Atụ

Music: New Testament Songs


Day 1: Colossians 1 - Learn To Know You

This song, Colossians 1, I wrote in 2021. It's already become a classic to me :) I've used the NLT translation for this one. Here are Paul and Timothy praying for the church of Colossae.

I remember when I first read this scripture, Col. 1: 9-10, I was struck by the boldness of this prayer.

Paul is asking for complete (!) knowledge and understanding, and produce every (!) kind of good fruit. To know the will of the Father and get to know Him better and better.

Paul prayed this for the church of Colossae. I pray this for each and every one of you.

I think this should be the prayer of our lives, or at least one of them. ;)

Since it's important for all of us, I have sung this prayer from an 'I' perspective and a 'we' perspective. So you can sing this in the privacy of your own home and in the fellowship of your brothers and sisters.

We all need to learn to know Him better and better. And in doing so, we'll be a blessing to the world. Because good fruits are meant to be shared! 🙌❤️😉

Colossians 1 - Learn to Know You

9. I ask You God to give me complete knowledge of Your will
and to give me spiritual wisdom and understanding.

10. Then the way I live will always honor and please You,
and my life will produce every kind of good fruit.

All the while, I will grow as I learn to know You better and better.

9. We ask You God to give us complete knowledge of Your will
and to give us spiritual wisdom and understanding.

10. Then the way we live will always honor and please You,
and our lives will produce every kind of good fruit.

All the while, we will grow as we learn to know You better and better.

All scripture from New Living Translation (NLT).
All music was created, mixed, and produced by Project of Love, Xander Stok.

Ụbọchị 2

Banyere Atụmatụ Ihe Ọgụgụ A

Music: New Testament Songs

Project of Love is: the Bible in song. This plan contains four bible songs from the New Testament. All words are 100% scripture put to song. One song every day from Ephesians, Colossians, Revelation and Philippians! Proj...


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