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A Glimpse of Infinity (Portraits of India) - 7 Days of Photography & PrayersIhe Atụ

A Glimpse of Infinity (Portraits of India) - 7 Days of Photography & Prayers


Introduction to This Series

Here is a challenge for me as a photographer: How do I convey what I know to be true — that money and wealth, when misused, will only bring dissatisfaction and harm? How do I express that true happiness is not found in material things but rather in the currency of relationship — with God and each other?

This is what I know to be true: Every time I visit a place in extreme poverty where the Gospel has been preached, and people have come to faith in Jesus, I see a different kind of happiness, one that’s almost unrecognizable in the West. It’s a happiness that’s clearly inspired by the work of the Holy Spirit and the ever-present Jesus (Matthew 25:35-36). Is there hardship and sadness there as well? Absolutely! But the Kingdom of God is evident (Luke 6:20-21), and Jesus is their Shepherd.

I pray that God would open our eyes to see the amazing things He’s doing outside of our Westernized bubbles. May we do the work He has called us to do (Luke 6:46) and find satisfaction in Him alone.

The photos in this series were taken in various locations throughout India. I have left out specific locations for the protection and safety of the people. Despite the extreme hardship and persecution in India, God is doing an amazing thing there; to Him be the glory.



Father God, You have taught us not to lay up for ourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for ourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where our treasure is, there our hearts will be also (Matthew 6:19-21).

Please help us not to become fixated on the things of this world, but instead cause our attention to be solely focused on You. Give us wisdom in dealing with the material things of this world and stir our hearts to pray for those who are lacking. Cause us to act in accordance with the resources that You have graciously provided us and the purpose that You have given us.


Am I content with what God has provided, or am I continually pursuing more material wealth and possessions?


  • Ray’s Camera Settings: 24mm, ISO 200, 1/60s, f/5.6
Ụbọchị 2

Banyere Atụmatụ Ihe Ọgụgụ A

A Glimpse of Infinity (Portraits of India) - 7 Days of Photography & Prayers

A Glimpse of Infinity (Portraits of India) will inspire, challenge, and encourage you through a unique combination of photography, prayer, and Scripture. Each day includes a memorable photo taken in India by author and photographer Ray Majoran, paired with a short prayer devotional and Scripture passage. In addition to this 7-day plan, consider reading the main 30-day plan and other theme-based Glimpse of Infinity plans.
