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God Will Provide! (3 Lessons From Paul)Ihe Atụ

God Will Provide! (3 Lessons From Paul)


In 2 Corinthians 9, Paul is encouraging them to give generously towards the needs of others. He assures them that their generosity will be rewarded, not only with the gratitude of those they help but also with blessings from God.

Imagine being in the shoes of the Corinthians. Have you ever been challenged to give generously? What was your response? Did you struggle with trusting that God would provide for you if you gave sacrificially?

Paul's words remind us that when we are generous and give freely, God will bless us abundantly. We don't have to worry about not having enough because God will provide for us and enable us to do every good work that He calls us to.

The truth is trusting God's provision often requires stepping out in faith and giving generously.

Today, reflect on your own generosity. Are there areas where you could give more sacrificially?

Pray and ask God to increase your faith and trust in His provision so that you can give more freely and generously.

Let’s Pray:

Lord, help me to grow in my generosity. Help me to trust in Your provision and to have faith that You will do what you promised. Increase my heart for generosity and give me the courage to step out in faith.

In Jesus name, Amen.

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Banyere Atụmatụ Ihe Ọgụgụ A

God Will Provide! (3 Lessons From Paul)

In this plan, we are exploring three lessons from the Apostle Paul and the promises that God will provide. It's a mix of scripture, reflection, and action that will both challenge and encourage you, nudging you towards deeper trust in His ability as your provider. Let's get started!
