RhythmIhe Atụ

Have you ever met someone who loved your favorite band or artist? There are some things that can give us an instant connection or a strong foundation upon which to build a friendship, but finding people who share similar values and beliefs might be more difficult than finding someone who loves the same bands we do. So how do we find the right people and start forming healthy friendships?
Today's reading talks about honoring others over ourselves. This can be a helpful mindset as we start to think about how to build up our godly relationships. You can start by thinking about the types of things you honor and hold close. Doing this can help you start to filter through the types of core values and characteristics you might want in a friend.
While you're working on that list, you can find common spaces to get connected with people. Your youth group is a great example. There are teenagers just like who are trying to find other friends focused on Jesus. It might be a good idea to make time to be at events and other activities, too.
No matter how you get started, creating godly friendships takes time and effort. Sometimes things might click right away, but you'll still need a regular rhythm for spending time together. As you make connections, be patient, intentional, and loving. Trust God to provide the right friends at the right time as you keep growing in your faith. You can create friendships that honor God and others.
Okwu Chukwu
Banyere Atụmatụ Ihe Ọgụgụ A

For the next four weeks, we'll take some time to explore how we can build rhythms that help us connect with God in new ways. We'll discover how to build a strong rhythm that can sustain us through whatever life brings our way. We'll look at how to create rhythms that help us spend time with God, use our gifts, share our stories, and spend time with others.