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Akara Eji Eme Ọchịchọ

RevelationIhe Atụ



As John describes the new Heaven and the New Earth, the picture here is not of God destroying this broken world that we currently live in, but how He will recreate it brand new, in its glorious intended purpose. “The new world, in other words, will be like the present one in the sense of its being a world of beauty, power, delight, tenderness and glory” (NT Wright – Revelation For Everyone). “We enter heaven not by escaping what we don’t like, but by the sanctification of the place in which God has placed us.” (Eugene Peterson – Reversed Thunder).

Ụbọchị 50Ụbọchị 52

Banyere Atụmatụ Ihe Ọgụgụ A


The apocalypse ("uncovering" in Greek) that John receives reveals the nature of the world as it is and will one day be. Amidst all of the cosmic imagery is a Lamb and its army who conquer through the power of sacrificial love. This 8-week plan is written by the church and for the church as we seek to follow Jesus in the 21st century.
