RevelationIhe Atụ

The origin story of Babylon is in Genesis 11 with the tower of Babel. Babylon in the biblical narrative has represented any kingdom that sets itself up against God and his kingdom in order to go down the way of the beast, pursuing knowledge of good and evil for ourselves. It represents human kingdoms that are built apart from God and focused on wealth, power, sexual immorality, and oppression. This is a reminder that so many of the things demanding our attention around us and within us are actually opposed to the kingdom of God and will ultimately be destroyed.
Okwu Chukwu
Banyere Atụmatụ Ihe Ọgụgụ A

The apocalypse ("uncovering" in Greek) that John receives reveals the nature of the world as it is and will one day be. Amidst all of the cosmic imagery is a Lamb and its army who conquer through the power of sacrificial love. This 8-week plan is written by the church and for the church as we seek to follow Jesus in the 21st century.