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Philippians Bible StudyIhe Atụ

Philippians Bible Study


The Mindset of Christ (Philippians 1:27-2:18)

"In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus." Philippians 2:5 (NIV)


Today’s video takes a closer look at the Christ Hymn from Philippians 2:6-11. This hymn is Paul’s summary of the mindset exemplified by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


In Philippians 1:27-30, Paul identifies the response he wants from the Philippians after reading this letter:

  1. that they live worthy of the gospel of Jesus; by
  2. standing together, like-minded and united; even if
  3. they are opposed by enemies of the gospel.

He goes on to explain that for the church at Philippi to be like-minded, each member must do nothing from selfish ambition but instead, consider the interests of others along with their own (2:1-4).

This is the mindset demonstrated by Jesus himself: who emptied himself of his status as God and took on the status of a slave. As a slave, he humbled himself to the point of death on a cross. In response, God honored Jesus by giving him the name above all other names (2:5-11).

Paul then turns to some practical ways the Philippians can begin to live out Christ’s example of humility (2:12-18).


Notice how Paul begins (1:27-2:4) and ends (2:12-18) today’s passage with ways he wants the Philippians to respond to Christ’s example of humility (2:5-11). Why do you think he does this?

How would the “mindset of Jesus” described here challenge the Roman values held by many in Philippi? Do you think the Philippian believers would find it easy or difficult to adopt this mindset themselves? Why?

For the sake of their salvation, Jesus had emptied himself of status and was obedient to the point of utter humiliation on the cross. This would have been scandalous to a Philippian believer with a Greco-Roman background. However, meditating on Christ’s counter-cultural humility—for their sake—could empower this church to take on the same mindset and affect the ways they were relating with one another.


In today’s passage, the “mindset of Jesus" is identified as:

  1. letting go of any rights associated with one’s personal status; and
  2. considering the interests of others to be as important as your own.

Think about the people you interact with the most on a daily basis. What would they think about this mindset?

What do you think about this mindset? How do you feel about it?

If living out the “mindset of Jesus” feels impossible to you, you are not alone! Here are some ideas for small steps to take toward it:

  • Spend some time in prayer asking for a greater heart-revelation of the ways you have benefited from Jesus’ demonstration of this mindset towards you.
  • Think of someone (whom you know personally) that you consider to be an example of this mindset. Ask them to speak into your life in this area.
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Banyere Atụmatụ Ihe Ọgụgụ A

Philippians Bible Study

This plan is intended as a guide to discovering the message of Philippians for yourself! Grab a notebook to jot down your thoughts as you are led through a process of: (1) observing the text of Philippians; (2) interpreting the original message to the church at Philippi; and (3) applying the letter’s timeless truths to your own life.
