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Akara Eji Eme Ọchịchọ

Alpha & OmegaIhe Atụ

Alpha & Omega


Observe & Interpret

1. Read: Revelation 13:1-18. This passage describes the false trinity of Satan, the antichrist, and the false prophet. What is their purpose during the Tribulation? (Hint: look for the verbs that describe their activity).

2. How do the people living during the tribulation respond to the false trinity? What are the consequences for those that refuse to worship them?

3. Read Revelation 14:1-5. What are the contrasts between those faithful to Christ and those who worship the false trinity?

4. Read Revelation 14:6-20. What reasons are given in these verses to worship God rather than Satan or the antichrist?

5. Read 1 John 4:1-6. What does John tell us about false prophets and antichrists? How is this relevant to us living today?


1. This passage reveals the deception involved in Satan's plan to disrupt the worship rightfully belonging to God. As we consider our own lives, we realize that we are being constantly bombarded with the temptation to worship things other than God.

2. What idols have you set up in your life that distract you from worship? What competes with God for your attention and affection? If you could have one thing to make your life better, what would it be?

3. What is one practical step that you can take to cultivate your affection for God?

4. Prayerfully determine the main biblical truth or principle that God revealed to you during your study. A few questions to ask are: Is there a promise for me to claim? Is there a truth for me to believe? Is there a command for me to obey?

5. Memorize: 1 John 4:4-6

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Banyere Atụmatụ Ihe Ọgụgụ A

Alpha & Omega

The Revelation of Jesus Christ is a book about what will happen in the future; but perhaps more importantly, it’s a book about who controls the future. More than sixty years after Jesus rose from the dead, He appears once again to His disciple John to tell him about the things to come. John sees Jesus in a whole new way: He is now risen, glorified, and clearly in charge of the universe. Jesus is Lord of everyone, everywhere, forever. The question for you and me is whether we will trust Him with our lives, believing that He holds both the present and the future in His all-powerful and loving hands.
