Key Beliefs: Supporting Basic BeliefsIhe Atụ

1st John is written by another of Jesus’ followers. John was referred to as the beloved disciple of Jesus, and in this chapter, we can see the emphasis John places on love. He tells of how much God loves us and how our lives should be characterized by love as well. Love isn’t a mushy feeling as it is portrayed in romance movies; it is a willingness to do what is best for someone else regardless of the sacrifice. Proof of God’s love was giving His Son, so we could be forgiven. When people demonstrate real love, they are showing that God is in control of their lives.
None of us loves perfectly, and none of us completely submits to the control of God in our lives. Today, could it be your goal to be more loving toward someone; or better yet, more loving toward everyone? In this way, you can show that God is alive in you.
Okwu Chukwu
Banyere Atụmatụ Ihe Ọgụgụ A

In this plan passages supporting the basic beliefs of Christianity are read. There are five readings per belief. If weekends are used for reflection, the plan will require 90 days. Notes are also included to assist with understanding.