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Let’s Go! FCA DevotionalIhe Atụ

Let’s Go! FCA Devotional


Who Should Go?

Mark Stephens


”Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?” I said, “Here I am. Send me” Isaiah 6:8


This past Fall in a community huddle with 12 Varsity Athletes from Urbana High School we came to a familiar topic, “How can I impact my team?”  We kicked around ideas like pre-match prayer, praying through the roster, inviting teammates to church, but the idea that stuck was to start a team huddle.  We immediately had several wrestlers step up to lead the huddle.  We got permission from the coach, scheduled the huddle times around the team schedule and got lessons from the FCA Georgia wrestling website.

As a result, the impact was huge on and off the mat.  Off the mat: the team jelled together, care and unity became more central to the team. On the mat: effort increased, cheering for each other increased and points on the scoreboard went up.

I don’t think any of us in our community huddle would have predicted all of the success on and off the mat.  We were humbled to see it and experience it.  And very excited to be crowned 2018 4A State Dual Meet Champions.


1. Brainstorm ways you can impact your team.

2. If starting a team huddle, what are the steps you need to take?

3. What are the obstacles you may face?


Acts 1:8

Psalm 86:9

Psalm 67:2


Lord, the desire of my heart is to be sent to impact my team.  If I’m honest, I’m nervous and even afraid sometimes.  I need the strength to stand up for You.  I lay my fears before You and ask You to fill me with Your Holy Spirit, so I can impact my team for Christ.

Okwu Chukwu

Ụbọchị 11Ụbọchị 13

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Let’s Go! FCA Devotional

Let's Go! FCA Devotional features a 31-day reading plan to help coaches and athletes develop a habit of reading the Bible daily and applying it to their lives. For a moment each day, we can dig deep into God's Word and push beyond our perceived limits to accomplish more than we can imagine. We have the Ultimate Coach, Jesus Christ, leading the charge. The time is now. Let’s Go!
