Matthew 22
The Royal Bridal. The girns set by the Pharisees and Sadducees.
1And answerinʼ, Jesus spak to them again in parables; and quoʼ he:
2“The Kingdom oʼ Heeven is like to a King, wha made a Bridal‐feast for his son.
3“And sent oot his servin‐men to tell them wha had a bode; and they wadna come.
4“And he sent oot mair servants; and quoʼ he, ‘Tell them that are bidden, See! I hae gotten ready my denner; my owsen and my fed things are killed, and aʼ is ready. Come tae the Bridal‐feast.’
5“But they geckʼt at it, and gaed their gate, ane to his ain mailin, and anither to his wares.
6“And the lave grippit his servin‐men, and ill‐treatit them, and slew them.
7“And the King was sair angerʼt; and he sent oot his airmies and destroyed thae men‐slayers, and brunt their toon.
8“Than said the King, ‘The Bridal‐feast is aʼ ready, but they bidden warna wordie;
9“Gang ye tharfor to the pairtin oʼ the ways; and aʼ, eʼen as mony as ye finʼ, caʼ to the feast!’
10“And thae servants gaed oot intil the heigh‐roads, and gatherʼt thegither aʼ, eʼen as mony as they faund, baith ill and weel faurʼd; and the bridal had its guests.
11“But the King,#22:11 See note on Luke 14:24. comin ben to see the guests, spied a man wantin a waddin garment.
12“And speirs at him, ‘Freend! hoo cam ye here, wantin a waddin‐garment?’ and he had nocht to say.
13“Than said the King to his servants, ‘Bind him haun‐and‐fit, and cast him oot intil the deid‐mirk; thar wull be greetin and cherkin oʼ teeth!’
14“For a hantle are bidden: but only a wheen waled oot.”
15Then gaed the Pharisees, and counsellʼt thegither hoo they micht fank him in his talk.
16And they sent their disciples to him, wiʼ them oʼ Herodʼs pairty, and quoʼ they, “Maister! we ken ye are leal and true, and teach Godʼs ways truly, and swither for nae man; for ye look‐na on the person oʼ men:—
17“Tell us than what think ye? Isʼt weel to gie dues to Cesar, or no?”
18But Jesus, takin tent oʼ their wickedness, said to them, “Why fausely deal wiʼ me, ye hypocrites?
19“Schaw me the siller for the dues!” And they brocht to him a siller penny.
20And he says to them, “Whase is this heid, and this inscription?”
21They say to him, “Cesarʼs.” Than says he to them, “Gie to Cesar Cesarʼs things; and to God Godʼs things!”
22And whan they heard, they ferlied uncolie; and leaʼin him, gaed their gate.
23That vera day cam till him the Sadducees, wha say thar is nae Risin‐again, and they speirʼt at him:—
24“Maister, Moses said, ‘Gin a man soud dee, leaʼin nae bairn, his brither sal mairry his wife, and rear up seed till his brither.’
25“Noo thar war wiʼ us seeven brithers; and the first eftir mairryin, deeʼt; and haein nae bairn, left his wife to his brither.
26“In like mainner the second, and the third, eʼen to the seeventh.
27“And eftir them aʼ, the wife deeʼt.
28“At the Great Risin, than, whase wife sal she be oʼ the seeven? for they aʼ had her?”
29Jesus answerʼt them, and quoʼ he: “Ye are aʼ wrang! for ye ken naither the Scripturs nor the pooer oʼ God!
30“For in the Risin‐again, they naither wed nor are gien in wedlock; but are as the Angels in Heeven.
31“But, anent the Risin‐oʼ‐the Deid, hae ye no read what God spak tʼye, sayin:
32“ ‘I am the God oʼ Abraʼm; and Isaacʼs God, and Jaucobʼs God!’ He isna the God oʼ #22:32 Gin Abraʼm was leevin fowr hunner year eftir the death oʼ his body — and in consequence (to aʼ wha believe the Scripturs), the great maitter oʼ the immortality oʼ the saul is proved — the smaʼer maitter oʼ the restoration oʼ the body may weel be admittit!deid men, but leevin!”
33And aʼ the folk, hearin it, ferlied muckle at his teachin.
34But the Pharisees, whan they heard he had putten the Sadducees to silence, forgatherʼt;
35And ane frae mang them speirʼt at him a quaisten, testin him, and sayin,
36“Maister! whilk is the great commaun oʼ the Law?”
37Jesus says till him, “ ‘Ye sal loʼe the Lord yere God wiʼ yere hail heart, and wiʼ yere hail saul, and wiʼ yere hail mind!’
38“This is the great and first commaun.
39“And a second ane is like tillʼt; ‘Ye sal loʼe yere neebor as yersel.’
40“On thir twa commauns hing aʼ the Law and the Prophets.”
41Noo, while the Pharisees war gaitherʼt thegither, Jesus speirʼt at them:
42“What think ye aboot the Anointit Ane? Whase Son is he?” They say to him, “Dauvidʼs son.”
43He said to them, “Hoo than dis Dauvid caʼ him ‘Lord?’ sayin,
44“ ‘Jehovah said to my Lord, Sit thou on my richt haun, till I mak thy faes thy fit‐brod.’
45“Seeing Dauvid caʼs him ‘Lord,’ hoo is he his son?”
46And nae man was fit to answer him a word: naither, frae that day forrit daur ony man to speir at him ony mair quaistens.
Nke Ahọpụtara Ugbu A:
Matthew 22: SCO1904
Mee ka ọ bụrụ isi

Ịchọrọ ka echekwaara gị ihe ndị gasị ị mere ka ha pụta ìhè ná ngwaọrụ gị niile? Debanye aha gị ma ọ bụ mee mbanye
Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.