Matthew 22:37-39
New Testament in Braid Scots 1904 (William Wye Smith)
Jesus says till him, “ ‘Ye sal loʼe the Lord yere God wiʼ yere hail heart, and wiʼ yere hail saul, and wiʼ yere hail mind!’ “This is the great and first commaun. “And a second ane is like tillʼt; ‘Ye sal loʼe yere neebor as yersel.’
Lee anya n'etiti ihe abụọ
Nyochaa Matthew 22:37-39
Matthew 22:40
“On thir twa commauns hing aʼ the Law and the Prophets.”
Nyochaa Matthew 22:40
Matthew 22:14
“For a hantle are bidden: but only a wheen waled oot.”
Nyochaa Matthew 22:14
Matthew 22:30
“For in the Risin‐again, they naither wed nor are gien in wedlock; but are as the Angels in Heeven.
Nyochaa Matthew 22:30
Matthew 22:19-21
“Schaw me the siller for the dues!” And they brocht to him a siller penny. And he says to them, “Whase is this heid, and this inscription?” They say to him, “Cesarʼs.” Than says he to them, “Gie to Cesar Cesarʼs things; and to God Godʼs things!”
Nyochaa Matthew 22:19-21
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